Revisited: The Beginning And Breaking The Rules

revisitedIt’s been a workshop day. A day when I revisited a set of rules that used to apply to me. Rules that needed to be broken by embracing my intuitive senses. And the presence in my life of my wonderful Guides.

As I revisited the beginning of my mediumship development in my workshop today I recognised that I had faced a steep learning curve. Although I’d read around psychic and intuitive stuff for a long time it was very different when I started to experience contact from my Guides. I felt quite a bit of resistance. Even fear. Although I was asking for the connections I still held myself back. Because sensing the world as an energy reality is very different than sensing it as a material reality. One day, when I was bit at my wits end with it all, my Guides sent me to my book shelf. And to a lovely book by Paulo Coelho. I can’t remember when the book came to me in 2004. But I know it made an impression long before I started my own development process. So much so that I quote from it in my workshops.

The quote I always use first is:

These are the commandments that no warrior of light can obey.

First: God is sacrifice. Suffer in this life and you will be happy in the next.

Second: People who have fun are childish. Remain tense at all times.

Third: Other people know what is best for us because they have more experience.

Fourth: Our duty is to make other people happy. We must please them even if that means making major sacrifices.

Fifth: We must not drink from the cup of happiness: we might get to like it and we won’t always have it in our hands.

Sixth: We must accept all punishments. We are guilty.

Seventh: Fear is a warning. We don t want to take any risks.

These are the commandments that no warrior of light can obey.


Learning to use my intuition, following the guidance as it came in, I realised that I lived these rules to some extent. One or two of them I was actively working on. But most of the others still had me in their grip. The fourth and fifth particularly strongly. So I know that the people who start to explore their connections to Energy Beings will have to work through letting go of these rules. And each time I have revisited these particular rules, with my new students, I have notice how much less of a role they play in my life. Today I was really please to find that only rule seven still turns up now and again. Only in certain circumstances and not at all enough to stop me stepping off cliffs into new adventures.

Have you revisited your life rules recently? If you are working to open up your intuition you might find that you are doing so sooner rather than later. We are in the final stretch of energy that began in 2012. Energy that is encouraging us to take a leap of faith and start a new adventure. A journey that will require new rules. What will yours be?

Day 976 of my blogging challenge

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