I always know when Mercury is going backwards. Whatever I am trying to communicate is fraught with challenges. The last couple of days have been interesting!
I’ve been away for a couple of days to a place where the mobile phone and internet connections can be a bit patchy. Just in time for me to do a live broadcast on social media. Instead I recorded a video. But today I’ve tried to upload it at least three times. All to no avail. Mercury has kept me waiting! Testing out how determined I am to get the message from the Energy Beings out into the world. Well, I’m very determined. So I’ve delayed my blog in case the extra uploading conflicts with uploading the video to YouTube.
I’m not really surprised about this little energy hitch. It was sent to check out if I really wanted to let my voice be heard. Along with working to finalise my book the last few days have had me thinking about the best ways to share what I know about energy and intuition. Being more public on behalf of the Energy Beings does impact on my personal life. So I have to be sure about agreeing to stepping out of my comfort zone before I do so. When Mercury goes forward again I need to be ready to ride that energy wherever it is taking me. It’s a form of re-dedication to serving the spiritual purpose I came here to achieve. Which take many forms but always lead back to giving a voice to the non-physical world that surrounds us.
It’s certainly something to think carefully about in the time when Mercury is retrograde. Especially as Jupiter, the spiritual planet, is about to leave my sign and won’t be back for twelve years. So making the best possible spiritual choice I can has to be tested out. Again and again if necessary. Tonight I have persevered with something that I could easily have given up. I’m ready to move forward. Are you?
Day 634 of my blogging challenge