Remembering Death

img_2281This evening I went to Wakefield to do a demonstration of mediumship. I enjoyed bringing in the Spirit connections but the best part of the evening was the conversation with my daughter as we drove home.

It started because one of the Spirit people wanted to let their loved ones know that there was no memory of actual pain when we die. As the physical body is vacated the Spirit experiences a falling away of any pain experiences. Physical pain becomes a faded memory. And like any memory it can be replayed rather than re-experienced. That’s why sometimes I ‘feel’ the aches and pains of the person who is communicating. It’s a form of remembering for confirmation purposes only.

In the car I was reminded of something that happened this weekend. My daughter asked about reality. What is it? Would it be different if we were in another dimension? How do we know our reality is the only one? Good questions I thought. But I wondered about how to answer. Then I thought about the paranormal night on Saturday. With a group of people I found myself in a cell in the prison under Nottingham’s courts building. We were hoping to make contact with Spirit people. As I tuned in to the energy I picked up some who were ready to communicate. However, there was also low vibrational energy – entities – trying to connect in too.

One thing I feel needs remembering is that we have to guard against making assumptions about the nature of Energy Beings. From our reality it is difficult to make sense of their reality. Although some rules seem to apply they may be more about our perceptions than their actual reality.

Based on my experiences and the guidance I have received one of those rules is about pain. A visiting Spirit makes light of any human pain they have experienced. Although they may tell me, or occasionally show me through my clairsentience, what illnesses they had or how they died they don’t focus on the pain involved. The information is used only to confirm who they are. The conversation rapidly moves on. However, I also know that entities place a great deal of emphasis on anything painful or fearful. They want to create an energy vibration that they can soak up and recharge their batteries from.

So when someone started to discuss seeing a Spirit being in great pain I responded very cautiously. As the communication went on it was clear to me that the communicating Energy wanted to generate feelings of sadness and fear. Remembering the rules I checked for the Energy Beings present in the room. There were still Spirits but the low vibrational beings were there too. As people assumed that the cells would contain unhappy people and children the sadness grew. Yet that was only one reality. For some prisoners and their children it is possible that they had better provision than they would have experienced outside. Certainly not compared to modern standards. But when I have looked into social history for some a prison might have meant a prolonging of life rather than loss of life.

And that is the point. My understanding of the reality for a person 200 years ago is filtered through my assumptions about what reality I am living. From another point of view I might make very different assumptions about the nature of what I experience as reality.

So when I connect with Energy Beings I have to be very careful how I translate the information I am getting. Remembering not to assume anything is the key. Perhaps most importantly of all, I have to be open minded about the nature of reality. It isn’t fixed although we often behave like it is. Making room in my mind for debate has been a good way to learn to accept the communication experiences I have had. After all, which reality is real? Mine or theirs? All I know is that when I and my colleague focused on the positive energy around us we had a glorious game of chase the orb with the Spirit beings present in the room.

Day 344 of my blogging challenge.

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