Processing, Planning, Progressing

I spent quite a chunk of today in bed. It’s the place I like to do all my processing. Withdrawing from my working environment I can let my mind and intuition bounce things around inside my head.

Already this year I feel very different to last year. I have a surge of energy that is propelling me forward. My plans are coming together. I feel motivated and ready for action. To make sure I don’t miss anything I took today to check out the direction I’ve set off in. When I’m making changes I can quickly get myself lost. I have a habit of rushing ahead, because I’m glad to be doing not procrastinating any longer, then finding I don’t really know why. Processing my thoughts, feelings and ideas is a great way to add extra layers to my plans. A bit like constructing stepping stones across a river. Testing each step, at least in my mind, to be sure it all hangs together.

I took my lead from the energy of yesterday. It was very moving to see so many Womens Marches across the world. And to read about my friends experiences in my Facebook newsfeed. What impressed me was the surge of Divine Femenine energy that rushed like a tsunami to touch each one of us. Even the voices of the women who didn’t agree with the marches were calling for equality too. I know we will have to deal with the changes now going on to the patriarchal structures we are used to with as much compassion as possible. Because change is here. The Divine Feminine energy will continue to flow into the world. And we are being reminded that it is an energy within all of us.

It will take some time for all of us to understand our own creative power. Processing the Divine Feminine energy will be about finding new and interesting solutions to the ways we currently live our lives as a global community.

At an individual level I know that I am processing this incoming energy by integrating it into my plans. I’ve been asking myself to apply creative solutions to make sure I’m moving forward in my life and work. Challenging myself by asking “is that the best you can do?” And “is this way of doing something in line with my feminine energy?” Interestingly, I’ve been taking my lead from the Morrighan too. She is a Goddess with a rather kick-ass attitude to life, a force to be reckoned with and a powerful connection with death and life. After all, if I’m going to make progress I have to be able to motivate myself to get on and do it. No point waiting until the Afterlive and then wishing I had got on with living.

So my processing is done for now. My plans are in place. It’s time to make progress happen!

Day 434 of my blogging challenge.


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