Powering Blasts Of Energy: Playing My Part

poweringHere we go again. It’s a New Moon arriving with powering blasts of energy to blow my socks off! I’ve spent the day feeling very ‘spaced’ and determinedly working to ground in all of the vibrations intended to energise the Earth ready for it’s great changes.

It’s not the first time we have received these great blast of energy. It’s just that they are much more frequent now. I know it’s the time for powering up. Not only Mother Earth but all of us who live alongside her too. Whether we are aware of it or not. The Ascension process has been going on for along time but the last couple of hundred years have been the warm up to get us ready to shift the Earth, and ourselves, to a higher level of spiritual functioning. But it can still feel like a challenge. Because there is so much ‘heavy’ energy that is still circulating in and around us. That’s why I got the full on force of the energy in the middle of last night. It came into my dreams to remind me that it is time to let all my emotions flow freely.

Powering me up means that I can transmit that energy to everyone I am connected to. And if everyone on the planet is being powered up imagine how much positive energy is being shared around. That’s the issue though. We aren’t used to living at a higher vibration yet. I know I still have one foot in being human and one foot in being spirit. And that has to be balanced for a while yet. When I get that disconnected, out of phase feeling I know I have to release some of the energy into the Earth. As well as to the animals and other species that share the Earth with me. I have to share enough that I can bring myself gently back down to Earth. Powering up is going to keep happening to me.

It must so that we can all benefit when the big shift happens. I know that there will be several more major blasts of energy this year. I’m powering myself up in between to practice living at a higher vibration. And I am also practicing staying grounded too. So that I can help others to find a balance in all of these energy times. Together, if we all play our part, the future will become much lighter and brighter.

Day 930 of my blogging challenge

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