Power Goes Out

images-62This is my second day being off the grid. I’ve been using the time to read about angels and daemons. Both appear in the novel I’ve been reading and one of my research books. Actually it’s interesting that the book I picked has wandered into Angel territory rather than what I thought the story was going to be about. I’d grabbed it because it was set in the south of France in Cathar country. The story was a typical thriller with a bit of romance thrown in and some ancient mystery to solve. The protagonists were deep in the good versus evil of the plot. And would love and good win in the end? Intertwined in the story were aspects of Tarot, Angels and daemons as well. All stuff I love to think about because it goes to the heart of how we stand in our power.

The research book I’m reading, From Gabriel to Lucifer by Valery Rees, traces the written traditions concerning Angels throughout the last 2,000 or more years. One of the key points of the debate about Angels (and whether there are good and bad ones) is the power they have because they are thought to be closer to the Divine Source. Angels are regarded as reflecting the Light of the Divine back to mankind to encourage us. Their purpose is said to be to remind us that we have the power to choose through our free will – something they might not possess. We can choose to act in a positive or a negative way. We can send out the power of love or the power of fear. In my work with the Earth’s ArchAngels I have been keen to understand what their nature is and why they have emerged to assist us at this time in our spiritual growth.

Today the electricity went off for the whole site. We had a power out for about two hours. No cup of hot tea, no shower or music. So not only off the technology grid but also off the electrical grid, lol. When I asked my Guides what was going on they asked me to notice the world around me. The Earth was still turning, the sun was still in the sky and the rabbits were still skipping about around the caravan. The flow of energy that makes up our reality was still in evidence. What had stopped was the man-made energy that we put out, often without considering the consequences. I was very aware of ArchAngel Samesh, the Grandfather, showing me how miraculous our planet is. He helps us to understand that we co-create our environment. Using our imaginative energy we can call into being a world of beauty or a world of misery. The choice is ours.

We also have a choice in how we understand the purpose and nature of the Divine, the Angels and daemons. As we send our power (energy) out into the world we create the encounters that reinforce our current world view. Taking ourselves outside the system is sometimes the only was to get a new perspective. Moving from a view of life based in religious interpretations to one based on spiritual understanding means considering both the power we take in and the power we give out. The trick is to remember that power flows both ways.

Day 190 of my blogging challenge. Written on Tuesday 24th May 2016.

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