Picking A Random Card: The Message For Today Is …

picking cardsI love my oracle and tarot cards. They can be so random. Yet really accurate in picking me a message out of thin air. A message that makes perfect sense.

I confess to having about forty packs of cards. It’s true that I used to have more but I have been releasing packs to new homes for a month or so now. I love the idea of picking from a randomly chosen set and seeing what comes out. Or even what falls out of the pack for me. My Guides often niggle me to get the cards out when I’m not listening to what they are saying. Or when the messages are getting scrambled. Sometimes it’s about wanting to get a quick and simple signal to me. And I always reach for the cards when I feel really stuck. Because I know that whatever comes out it will make me stop and think. That’s the best way to get me unstuck!

My first pack came to me from a friend. I loved them but was really unsure how to use them. Then I saw a second pack and really feel in love with their design and artwork. The explanations were a bit sketchy. I remember picking out another set because I liked the way the cards had been interpreted. My fourth set came when I was looking for a set that had everything. By the fifth set I knew I was hooked. With each set I remember the basic journey of the tarot and use the oracle cards in a similar way. They are all a journey of self-discovery. When I get a card I check where I am in the journey from being a fool into being wise. As the message will help me to find the wisdom of the moment I am in.

Then I can apply the guidance to my situation, picking a path through the events of my day, making sure that I avoid the pitfalls the card is hinting at. If you have never used oracle or tarot cards please give them a try. Your Guides might be picking you a pack so that you can make better choices. And free yourself from doubt and stuck energy.

Day 729 of my blogging challenge

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