Peacefully Painting Angels

img_4874Although I had some readings to do today I also managed to spend a little bit of time peacefully painting. Like my writing, painting is a way for me to find another voice.

In a busy world it’s all too easy to get swamped by responsibilities. Carrying out the things I feel I should, must or ought to do. Of course if I find any of those things are not really what I want to do I may be too polite to say no. Of even feel the pressure of guilt getting me to say yes. It’s almost as if being able to peacefully go about doing the things I get most pleasure from is wrong. When I began writing every day it took me a while to shake the feeling that I ought to be spending the time doing something else for my business. If I could find an hour to write surely it should be about the accounts. Or looking at bills. Perhaps doing next year’s business plan. You see, the writing gave me pleasure. I enjoyed it – mostly. It’s strange really. Why do we think work has to be hard?

That’s an interesting question. When I was growing up the pressure was on getting a job. Any job. It was good if it was a job I could enjoy. But really my enjoyment or otherwise didn’t matter. A job would mean I could ‘pay my way’. That was the underlying assumption. I would become a contributing member of society. How long that attitude has stuck with me! As if my writing voice can’t add any value at all. So how much bigger the resistance to painting. Paintings only have value if you are a famous artist. Yet paintings can move people emotionally whether they are considered good or bad. The artist uses the paint as a different kind of voice.

Of course I no longer believe that paintings only have value when you are well known. I have learned that beauty is in the eye of the beholder even if I am the only one to see my paintings.

At my art table today I continued a painting I started last week. Peacefully dotting the paint here and there, getting my fingers involved, I had time to relax. Whatever is emerging on the canvas will be interesting to me. When I paint I am always open to the connection with the Energy Beings around me. I let them guide my hands. Although I may have an idea of what is being painted it often turns out my idea was only a little bit right. There is an energy building on top of the background. It is represented by the colours I have picked up and the way they are blended. I enjoy the feel of the paint on my fingers. I try not to influence the way I move my hands. The picture is birthing it’s own ‘voice’.

Today was about reminding me that work can be enjoyable. In fact I feel that I want to only work at what I enjoy. There are business tasks that are necessary but that’s not my work. That’s me with my admin hat on. When I am working I am writing, painting, connecting with Energy Beings and supporting others. Siting peacefully in Heber Street Spiritualist church this afternoon, with a little bit of paint still under my fingernails, I knew I was working in the best of all ways. The way that I enjoy. Each day I get to do things that I love. Who can ask for more than that? Don’t let your work become the way you pay your bills. Find what you enjoy and trust yourself enough to know that you can do that. If you do the Universe is there to send you enough abundance to pay all of your bills!

Day 369 of my blogging challenge. 

2 thoughts on “Peacefully Painting Angels

  1. thank you Ann
    for a very articulate desription of the value of , in this case painting. I believe it is also true of all the other Arts and creative activities humans can do; also Dancing poetry writing singing, making up nonsense songs, whistling for no apparent reason etc..
    Try replacing the word work in what you wrote with the word”play”
    I think it will feel different. more freeing?
    Its very sad to my way of thinking, that creative activities we do naturally as children, are seen as a luxury rather than essential to our wellbeing.
    Thank you for your blog. It has inspired me.
    Love and Blessings

  2. Thank you Paul. I agree that we have lost the magic of play. We take the world far too seriously and our activities are driven by the pressure to earn money. I feel if we played more we would share something of much more value than the widgets currently turned out all over the world ?

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