Ouch! Time To Clear The Physical Body

ouchHere I go again! Another round of energy has arrived on my doorstep and it’s time to do some more clearing. But ouch! This energy has got my physical body protesting loudly. Every one of my aches, pains and ailments has suddenly started to surface. And it’s grim!

When I woke up this morning I tried to ignore the ache in my shoulders. And the pain in my neck. My digestion was rumbling. So was my stomach. Not with hunger but with a sort of sea sickness. As I climbed out of bed my knee screamed ouch. Then my head began to ache. I felt as if all of the little irritating aches of the last few days had piled up. Like they were conspiring against me. Them my back began to ping with discomfort. I knew there was no real reason for all of these symptoms. Because I had been having a very interesting middle of the night discussion with my Guides.

Ok, perhaps I had been moaning at them a bit. Telling them I was tired of all this emotional and mental clearing that was going on. Fed up with running into another ouch memory or reaction. Actually, I was telling them that it needed to stop. That I had really had enough. Was my spiritual work worth all of this inner journeying? I know I fell asleep still muttering at them. Then this morning all the physical stuff hit me. Like one massive ouch. Not fair I thought stomping around the bedroom. It makes me grumpy. So I sat down to do a little Reiki on myself. And found my healing Guides only too eager to explain what was happening.

I’ve written a lot about how we are energy beings rather that only human beings. That stuck feelings and thought energy create dis-ease in our physical body. So what is more logical than after an emotional and/or mental clearing there has to be a physical one too. Ouch!

I hadn’t actually thought about that. Even though I should have. Because it’s obvious really. Aches and pains in my body tell me where I am holding on to stuck energy. When the pile of stuck energy has become so big it stops my physical body from running smoothly. So not only do I have to let go of the feelings and thoughts that are stuck. My body has to release the aches and pains too. No wonder I have been saying ouch all day. What’s even more interesting is that some of the physical issues tie in to my past lives. This current body has inherited the karmic energy of those lives and that needs to be acknowledged and released through my physical body too.

So how do I do it? My Guides always say that the first step is becoming aware of the pain. Then I can investigate inside me where the energy is stuck. What event, feeling or thought is creating my aches or conditions. Because I don’t need to carry this energy. Nor do I need to keep having the physical symptoms of trauma that is in another life. But I don’t have to go back into the trauma to let it go. Once I have located which life is involved, or what feeling or thought is holding onto old energy I can embrace the signals my physical body are giving me. I can love the body I am in now and treat it more carefully. And I can do something to show my body I care. Whilst reassuring myself that I don’t need that pain signal any longer.

So I took myself off for a facial, pedicure and a shoulder massage. Acknowledging the ouch but letting the care and attention to my body show how much I love my body too. I also topped up on my Reiki healing energy. And later tonight I’m going to have a warm bath with Epsom salts to sooth away any remaining aches and pains. Make sure you let your physical body do it’s clearing too!

Day 852 of my blogging challenge

2 thoughts on “Ouch! Time To Clear The Physical Body

  1. Loved this post, mostly as it resonates with me, but also because it passed on some more wisdom for me to explore. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for commenting Pricilla. It’s lovely to know this post makes sense to someone else. Here is to loving our bodies more & releasing all of the stuck stuff that stops us from flying <3

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