Opening My heart To Let Love Flow

openingLove. I’m back to that word that seems to have a thousand meanings. Opening my eyes to how tricky it is to pin down a definition for this most powerful of human emotions. And the reason why I’ve done so many wrong-headed things in my life.

In my work I often talk about unconditional love. Yet I know I have been on a life long journey to understand where I am conditional with love. Even where I have mistaken other feelings for this very elusive emotion. Or when I have loved someone or thing more than myself. Yet I keep trying to ‘find’ love of one sort or another. And all the while my Ego Mind tries to mislead or distract me away from the very feeling I want to experience. Because that is the issue. Do I love myself enough? Am I opening my heart to myself and my own beauty? And in what way do I interpret the word love when I apply it to myself?

I realise that love for myself, opening my heart and being in the flow of love all require one key ingredient. It is that I have to trust myself. I have to allow myself the recognition that I am someone who is lovable. Yet with an Ego Mind that is always ready to pull me back, put me down or undermine my intentions trust can be so very difficult. It is within myself that I learn to interpret the meaning of love. But that means opening up to the part of me that I don’t love. The bit that I have learned, been conditioned to, taken on board from life’s experiences. Because not everyone I meet has seemed to fill my world with love. Bringing me reasons to distrust the very nature of love altogether.

Understanding the nature of disappointment, conditionality and restrictions in the flow of love is a way of opening up to more love.

As is my understanding that all of us are dealing with different interpretations of the word love. Interpretations that have arisen from what we have encountered from our selves and others. My journey into understanding love had been one of stripping back these layers within me. And re-engaging with my heart. Making it once more central to all I do. Reminding myself to stay open to the opportunities that love brings. Standing my ground in the flow inwards and outwards of this life enhancing energy. Letting love find me in very many different ways. And trusting my heart to circulate all of the love that flows to and from me.

This is a very important year. The Divine Feminine energy will be flowing powerfully through all of our lives. The Divine Mother will have our back, so to speak. It will be an exercise in tough love. Be ready to learn to trust and therefore love yourself unconditionally. And also be ready to learn to trust and love others unconditionally too. The energy of love is so much required to help us draw back from the self destructive urges of the Ego Mind. To release ourselves from the control exerted by fear and hate. Opening your heart, to yourself and to others, is the way forward. It is the way to manifest harmony and peace.

I understand you may struggle, like I do, with the meaning of unconditional love. Or struggle with how to live your life in the flow of unconditional love. However, keep trying. Remind yourself every day that you are loved. That whatever others think, say or do you are a person full of love. Trust in this truth and share it with the world in whatever way you can.

Day 794 of my blogging challenge

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