My psychic life: Day 3

IMG_1517Today it was time for my regular visit to a great personal support group, Damsels in Success, in Leeds run by Dawn Grossart. Everyone needs support and I’ve become much better at asking for & taking support in my life. I come from a background where there was always responsibility, duty & plenty of ‘shoulds’ which seemed to involve not asking for help even when it was really needed. Add to that my natural stubbornness & desire to do things for myself. You can see that accepting support might not be the easiest thing. Until I encountered the Spirit Guides!

It’s often hard to ask for help – we feel we have failed, or have made a mistake or are weak. I meet many people who believe that everything they do has to be done by them alone. The idea of help & support might mean admitting to some sort of shortcoming first. Yet when my Guides stepped into my life they gently helped me to see that without their support my connections to Energy Beings might take a long time to become established. It was so much easier if I allowed them to boost my energy, prompt me with information about helpful ways to connect & to discuss with them what would work or not. They also worked with me through a lot of experiences so that I could understand & value offers of & receiving support. Then they bounced me into something that would definitely require as much help as I could get.

Eighteen months ago, after many years of working only by & for myself, I was prompted by my Guides to take on an extra suite of rooms next door to where I was already working. They had told me 12 months before that that the rooms would be mine at some point – I didn’t know when exactly. So I took on the extra rooms & 6 weeks later had my Down 2 Earth Heart Centre up & running. Our (mine & my Guides) shared vision was all about spiritual outreach, a safe haven & collaboration with others to provide the loving support people needed on their spiritual journey. I seemed to have plenty of people on board with that vision so it was all systems go.

I operate a Drop In (it was 4 days a week & is currently 3) so that people can access service & support at short notice. I try to be available at each session, either for a chat, a reading or to do healing. I have regular events so that people can access healing & guidance at each Drop In for a small sum. Most importantly, there is always tea & coffee & a warm blanket if someone needs to rest outside of the world for a while. The Drop In is also supported by a small number of regular practitioners who have very kindly shared in my vision. We hope to grow our businesses together as we grow support for our model of holistic centres. But it hasn’t all be plain sailing by any means.

Being in a spiritual business is viewed as contradictory by many people. They tell me that what I do is a gift from God so I shouldn’t charge. Other people argue that I am taking advantage of the vulnerable & needy by charging for my services. Some people will pay a fortune to access services that I provide & then say that I charge way too much. Wanting to offer the best I have sometimes let less scrupulous people take full advantage of my generous nature. I have listened to what they say but realised my error when I’ve seen what they do (or don’t do) in practice. I’ve given people lots of chances & been let down in very surprising ways. However, I don’t give up easily – if at all. I know that the Centre has been a refuge for some people; a place of warmth & love; a space to be accepted as who they are. Most importantly, I have been able to validate their experiences – to agree that it is possible to see non-physical beings, to hear the words of a loved one long gone, to encourage the sensing of a familiar person around them. To talk about the afterlife, the dead & the new life they have. So if I charge for some things it is also because I want to keep my Centre open for those who need it. And that requires adopting a practical, focused, business headed outlook.

So back to the support from Damsels. I have tried a lot of business networking – it’s not really for me. I don’t especially have anything to sell & I am not in the market for much. I run a tight ship – on a realistic budget so that I can give my time & energy to the Centre. I am grateful for an abundant Universe where everything I need is actually supplied. What I do take support for is the personal growth & development I need to hold a clear & expanding vision for myself, the Centre & the practitioners. Finding a group where I could be vulnerable, challenge myself & ‘be’ much more myself has been life affirming. My creativity, my enthusiasm for my business & my passion for my vision have all increased. So take a look around. Have you got enough of the positive, encouraging support for you that you need? There is sure to be something – your Guides will have been trying to show you all this time. Take a chance. Join with your positive, supportive tribe today!

2 thoughts on “My psychic life: Day 3

  1. I am part of the group doing the 30 Day Challenge. I did to network with people like yourself so I am introducing myself to you. My name is Cynthia and I write music and books. Some of my best friends are psychics and mediums. I see you know Barbara de Long. Let’s stay in touch.

  2. Thank you Cynthia for connecting with me. The 30 Day Challenge is a great way to meet new people & I’d be delighted to keep in touch with you 😀

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