One of the features of today has been time. Running out of time, things not running to time, being behind schedule. Is it because I didn’t make enough time? Maybe I didn’t plan in enough time for each activity? Other things got in the way & delayed me? Half way through the day I started to wonder why we put ourselves under the pressure of Time.
As children we certainly don’t notice the passing of time. I’m sure most of us have been told off for forgetting what time it was when we came in late to eat after a glorious day having adventures in other lands. As the cognitive side of our brain expands it seems we take on the idea that there is something called Time; that we have to partition our awake state into segments of this thing called Time. Because Time is always explained with a capital letter sound. Time is important, even if we don’t quite know why, especially when someone else wants us to use Time productively. As we grow into adults there is even more pressure to find, make, save & spend Time. Beijing in the moment is unacceptable as we might not notice Time flying by.
It’s true, lol. I’ve got to the end of my working day feeling like I have missed doing lots of necessary things because I spent or wasted too much time. This is where guilt can step in. Was it more important to design & print the flyers for the Yule Fair I have a stand at tomorrow? Could I have spent less time sorting out some issues that my daughter has? Because a client came along late should I have turned them away as I had no time? Every day we make these kind of decisions & often feel guilty that we couldn’t do everything that we thought we ought to. I almost decided not to do my blog because I need time to shower, eat, pick up a friend & go have a great night out. I even felt guilty about having a night out!
We have become so used to being under the rule of Time (although I’d love to be a Time Lord or meet Dr Who so I could go adventuring in Time) that we assume it’s always got to be this way. My Spirit Guides smile very gently when I moan about not having enough time. In an energy world everything is flow. Static or fixed energy only happens if we will it. That is the secret children understand. If we unstick ourselves from Time we can do everything all at once. In the pink perfect of the Spirit World (5th Dimension) time is not a ruling factor. It doesn’t exist unless we wish it to. The White Rabbit is not late for a very important date. Everything happens in perfect time.
So I will trust that everything that was right to do got done today. Things set aside or missed or only half done will be right to do in another moment of being. I’m giving myself permission to step out of Time and enjoy every moment, whatever I am doing, as what I am doing will be the perfectly right thing to do. Time to go eat, lol.