My psychic life: Day 11

Dave JonesToday I’ve been to a funeral of a lovely man. I met him because of his passion for keeping his local Spiritualist Church in Ashton Under Lyne open & available to everyone. I was lucky enough to do services at that church & to watch him do services here in Hebden Bridge. David Paul Jones was a genuinely nice guy.

His devotion to ‘his’ church & the service to Spirit were expressed through a wacky sense of humour, deeply held belief and compassion for others. He wasn’t perfect but he was unique. He also integrated Native American beliefs into his philosophy of life. I never got to a sweat lodge or Sun Dance with him but I admired his love of the traditions of the Tribes. So it was reassuring to hear that he passed peacefully, whilst his friends & family were around him, to the sound of their sacred drumming.

I know that he has gone to a new life among his loved ones in the Spirit World. I know he will be free of pain & suffering. He will be able to continue his work from that side of life. I can take comfort from my own connection to my loved ones in Spirit. The celebration of his Earth life is also the celebration of his birth into a new life. All around the world mediums work to share that ‘secret’ to those who need to know what happens after death. To offer the comfort that is based on personal knowing. To bring laughter through the tears; and hope of reunion.

Dave didn’t stand on a big stage in bright lights. Many people will never have heard of him. Yet he lived his truth & walked his talk as much as he was able to in his life. Seeing all the people who had gathered to honour his passing today is the perfect reason for every medium to keep going; to ignore the doubters; and, to be encouraged to give the communications loud & strong. Hearing how he had touched their lives in more ways than he could have guessed reminded me that we work with Spirit to bring love, healing, upliftment & hope, hope, hope.

Life continues on it’s way without Dave to add a cheery word or daft smile. But we can take something with us. Dave left his example for us to follow. A devotion to his spiritual duty & to the people around him that was so strong it touched all those hearts who mourned his passing. He withstood all the criticism, scepticism & disrespect for his beliefs. He lived fully in his world not ‘their’ world. We can do that too. We can take responsibility for our choices as psychic & mediumistic people to make sure our communications reach out to the ears that need them. To offer compassion & service as we do it our way. After all, Dave made sure he did it his way.

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