Missing an Hour? Time Jumps!

An hour has gone missing. Sometime in the night I jumped forward. Now I’m feeling tired when my brain says it’s still early. And my body hasn’t been fooled at all. It wants to sleep!

Here in the UK it’s the first day of British Summer Time. So our clocks have been put forward by an hour. Even though my eyes read the time now as 8pm my body is trying to tell me it’s getting late. It’s all to do with the missing hour. After a few days I’ll adjust again. Be back to normal. And forget all about the hour that seems to have gone astray. Like jet lag, I’ll get back to the time zone of the place I’m living. Life will move on and I will too. Yet I’ve often wondered what happened in that missing hour. It’s an interesting thought. One that makes a lot more sense when I talk to my Guides about time.

Because the Guides and Energy Beings are outside of time. Outside of what we understand to be time. And free to roam through time in any sequence they choose. If it sounds like I’ve strayed into Dr Who territory it’s because understanding that there is no such thing as time is a great help. That I never actually ‘miss’ anything. But the way in which it happens may be a bit muddled. Time may jump around a bit. Especially if I’m sensing energy rather than human reality. It’s possible for me to sense something happening before it does. Or to know intuitively that something I feel I’ve missed has actually happened. Just not in the time I’m in at the moment.

Missing out never really happens. I believe that everything we are meant to experience does come in. However to make sense of it I feel we have to be prepared to jump around our own personal timeline.

When I think about my life I now realise that some of the knowledge I have is only useful now. It wasn’t at the time I obtained it. In fact it was information I pushed to one side. But pulling bits and pieces together in this moment explains why I’m where I am right now. Missing puzzle pieces suddenly appear and fit. And there is a shape to my experiences that confirms the ‘feel’ I have for what is to come. Again I would probably say I don’t know how I know but I know for it for a fact. It’s as if the missing time is actually still connected. But hidden. What does all of this mean? I like to embrace the idea that if something hasn’t happened for me yet it will have at some time. It’s that I haven’t caught up with the experience.

And that there are no missing parts to my life. If I give myself enough time I will be everything I have always wanted to be. I know you might have to work at understanding this blog. Like me, you may find that dealing with the idea that time can jump around sometimes makes your head hurt. However, all of us sense ‘the future’ if we pay careful attention to that bit of us that knows exactly what has apparently gone missing. Let your future be a good one!

Day 489 of my blogging challenge.

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