Memory – remember! What a muddled up day. Forgetting what I should have remembered and remembering what I should have forgotten. Managing to double book myself in several ways & reminding myself that somehow this was the way it was supposed to be. Or that other old favourite – Everything happens for a reason. The mind is a fascinating land. What we choose to remember and what we forget. Our memory might feel like it’s precise but we often find that our recollections can be slightly (or even greatly off). And we all stress about remembering everything perfectly. Those lists of jobs we keep in our heads have all to be ticked off one by one. So we get distressed when we don’t or can’t remember.
I’ve often walked all the way upstairs (or across the room) for something and found I can’t remember what when I got there. I need a diary to keep me up to date with where I need to be and when. Then I sometimes miss what I’ve written in my diary. Or I look at a blank page and wonder what I’ve forgotten to write in. When I get in a stress about remembering my Guides always have a quiet chuckle to themselves. They love to point out that I really don’t need a memory for tasks, events or people. Since everything is happening now (in a timeless existence) if I want to focus on something it will be in my mind immediately. And I can reorder my focus so that time happened in ways that fit my focus. I admit that I struggle with that info. My conscious mind doesn’t like the idea that whatever happens happened at exactly the right time for it to happen. So if I need to be on a market stall smiling & passing on positivity so that I can make new connections then whatever is actually in my diary will be sidestepped. Because the time for what was in my diary wasn’t the time I scheduled. It has to happen at another time that will be perfectly right for me & the other people concerned.
Sometimes I feel that’s a ‘Get out of Jail’ card – a bit of a cop out. Other times I can accept the synchronicity of events because there is a rightness, a feeling of perfect timing about what I am doing. Again, it needs to be said that we resist the flow of events as they happen. We feel we need to control events. We have built up lots of conditioning around being on time, never forgetting, remembering to do this, that & everything else. Perhaps that is why we tend to remember our past mistakes, pains and disappointments much more than our happy moments. Often in messages Spirits ask me to acknowledge to their loved ones that the person still alive has been going down Memory Lane. Usually to remind them not to focus on the failures & heartbreak. The Spirit World would like us to focus on the joy, excitement, fun and laughter of our ‘past’. The energy from those memories can inspire us to hope for more of the same from our ‘future’. They are concerned to help us have positive energy moving us forward through time. Otherwise we make a challenging life for ourselves.
So whoever, whatever & whenever I have forgotten please understand that I’m not being rude, uncaring or that I’m not bothered. It’s that I was needed somewhere else for something important to mine or another’s spiritual growth. We will connect, I will do what’s needed and be where it’s right to be in the memory moment that make the most sense. Now, what was it I told myself I needed to remember!!!
Day 82 of my blogging challenge.