Life in the Fast Lane

imageI’m writing my blog at the end of a very busy day. It’s lovely to have so much to do that the time goes by unnoticed. I suppose you could say it’s living life in the fast lane. Speeding along with a purpose. Feeling like I’m getting somewhere. It’s at times like this  that I find myself having to be very careful not to get out of balance. When you enjoy giving, get a buzz from helping and want to be supportive of everyone around you it’s easy to forget that the first person to help is yourself. I had that discussion several times today so I know my Guides wanted me to notice where I could take things slower or easier.

Zooming along it’s also easy to forget to notice the energy you are surrounded by. Unless we are mindful of the energy it’s always possible that our aura will pick up low level vibrations. If that happens we can take on board the thoughts and feelings of other people and not realise that they belong to someone else. So having a break or being in positive energy and spending some time clearing energy are good things to do. As I was explaining to a group this evening, I make sure that every time I take a shower I also tell myself that my aura is being cleaned too. I picture any stuck or grimy energy washing off me.

I also try to spend a little time sitting in the Centre where I know that the energy is peaceful and positive. I’m letting my cares or worries float away. Whenever I do this it feels like my Guides are sitting there with me too. They bring me encouragement as they chat backward and forward with me. I know that letting the conversation flow around me will  inspire me in one way or another. Sometimes another practitioner will join me. Or someone drops by who needs quiet time too. Sharing my time and space is lovely. It is another way to pull me out of the busy, busy energy.

Allowing myself pockets of time in this way gives me the fresh energy to zoom ahead again. I am more effective and productive. I’m also showing me that I care about me. That point is really important. When we spend time on ourselves we are confirming that we are important. That we matter. Low moods can only find a toe hold when we feel like we don’t matter. When we forget to value ourselves. Living life in the fast lane is fun but only when we value ourselves enough to recognise it’s not the be all and end all of life. Some times it’s about slowing down to enjoy the view!

Day 219 of my blogging challenge.

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