Kindness: A Moon Wish

imageToday I’ve been channeling ArchAngel Nushiel. I know I’m on holiday but it was the right time to do so. Tonight I’ve watched the full moon and thought about one of the things she said. It was all about kindness.

Kindness is such a tricky thing to handle. I want to be helpful, kind, supportive. Yet what if being kind to others isn’t being kind to me? How do I make sure that I am kind to myself. Or is that me being selfish really. It’s interesting when I think of all the times on my life I’ve been told to be kind. Or someone has said letting people overstep my boundaries or treat me badly is really the way for me to be kind. I feel we all struggle to know how and when to be kind, not just to others but also to our selves as well.

So when ArchAngel Nushiel asked me to consider kindness from an energy perspective I decided it would be worth a look. After all I work with energy, deal with Energy Beings and believe that what you give out you get back energy wise. So what about the flow of kindness. How does it fit into our ocean of energy. I immediately think of kindness as a warm, embracing flow of energy. Random acts of kindness have the benefit of blessing both the giver and the receiver. Especially if the receiver also passes on the energy by generating another random act of kindness.

So kindness might be thought of as a warm, enfolding energy. An energy that uplifts all who feel it pass over them.

Yet, as with all energy, it’s important to balance that flow. Someone else’s judgement about what is kind or not when they are on the receiving end matters. But it shouldn’t get in the way of being able to send kindness as an energy form. They may say no thanks, I can do it for myself. Yet I can still send the kindness wishes to them. At the same time I can send the positive wishes to me too. I can accept any good wishes and kind acts that come my way and I can be kind to myself too. The heart of being kind is about wishing for yourself and others all of the choices that will bring about a good life. Then following this up with actions to bring it about.

I can certainly make kind wishes for myself and others. And that’s what I did when I was moon gazing tonight. If we all practices being kind to ourselves and others a little bit more the momentum from that energy wave would bring about amazing changes in our lives. Remembering that we all share the same ocean of energy, one warm, uplifting current can make a huge difference. As I’m touched by the warmth of kindness I can be inspired to create more kindness. Pretty soon being kind is on an upward spiral through this process. So my biggest wish tonight is for each one of us to find more reasons to be kind, to receive more kindness from ourselves and others and to float in the wave of kind energy that can push us along.

Day 306 of my blogging challenge.

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