Kick Off 2018: Start As You Mean To Go On

KickWelcome to 2018. The first day of a whole new year. The point when I can kick past the restrictions of 2017 and move into new energy. And instead of resolutions I’m focused on making the most of every day.

I used to make resolutions. Promises to help me kick start changes I wanted to make. Things I thought I ought to do better, or should stop doing altogether. But they often faded out far too quickly. Because I hadn’t thought them through. I wasn’t setting these promises for the best reasons. It turned out most of what I was promising came from other people’s expectations of me. In other words, I was trying to deliver on what other people wanted of me. Not what I wanted of myself. And that’s why I found I couldn’t stick at it. Which, strangely enough, had me kicking myself for most of the rest of the year. Believing I was a failure by not sticking with what I promised.

However, I now realise that setting resolutions ended up being a negative cycle for me. Instead I kick off my new year with actions. The things that I want to do to make the most of my life. Perhaps the most important actions I take relate to being kind to myself. So today I have continued to read a novel I’m enjoying. When I’m back at work there might not be as much time for reading. I took my vitamins and pencilled in a visit to the swimming pool because I want to look after my body. Then I also made a shopping list for my meals this week to make sure I give myself good fuel. I also spent some time working on the details for the launch of my ebook. I’m really excited to write this year and kick off in a very different direction for me.

So I’m starting as I mean to go on. I’ve had two weeks rest and enjoyed every moment of it. Soon I will be back to the busyness of life. But with a very firm kick to keep being kind to myself. I want 2018 to be a year of balance in all areas of my life. Each day a new start. Each evening resting in positive energy. I have a feeling it will be a great year!

Day 767 of my blogging challenge 

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