Key? What Will Open The Doors To Adventure?

keyI’ve spent the best part of today (in between working) searching for a key. To a car I have arranged to be scrapped. That needs to be moved as soon as possible. It’s a link to my old self that doesn’t fit the new me.

Yet the key has remained hidden. I’ve searched drawers, cupboards, bags and boxes. Helping me was a good friend who searched the same places after me. Because I always feel a fresh pair of eyes can help find the missing link. However it all came to a dead end. No key. I made calls to the scrap yard. There are solutions. But the key would make it all so much easier. What I also found were lots of keys for things that I’m not connected with any more. Even keys to locks I can’t remember ever having. Not neatly labeled and organised. Bundles of keys and all redundant. The one I wanted still invisible. Perhaps even lost a while ago.

I couldn’t help but feel that was exactly my spiritual journey at the moment. I have lots of keys obtained along my road. One or two will still serve me. They open the doors I still want to go through. Others can be put aside. The doors are permanently open. Or they have been closed and locked once more because I have got everything I need. My journey forward requires a new key. There are new doors appearing and I want to explore what is behind them. Although I have been wondering if I am ready to open them. That’s the key I need. The one that allows me to unlock the best in me. The confidence and trust I require for my new adventure. However, I can’t quite find it yet.

I know that I have another pair of eyes, or many, helping me. My Guides were teasing me today about the lost key. I understand they wanted to make a point. I’m still hiding. Not sure I want to be discovered. Or unlock myself. So I am determined to clear out all the clutter my search revealed. Outwardly and inwardly. I want to open that door and move on. So I better start looking again!

Day 784 of my blogging challenge

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