Karmic Debris: How To Make Better Choices

karmic debrisI’m rather tired tonight. I spent my day running a Past Life workshop and discussing karmic debris. All those waves of energy that have been stored up in other times that can come back to disrupt this present life.

I’m not tired of discussing past lives. Or debating about karma. I’m tired because of the come down from really high vibrational energy that flows through a group when everyone is ready to work hard. Working at a level beyond the material is wonderful. So it always feels like a bit of a pull to have to return back down to earth. However I know that my work is here on the Earth for now. And that work involves helping people to understand karma and the impact of the choices they are making. Sometimes the consequences are very different than what we assume or imagine. That makes karma quite a tricky subject to explain. And karmic debris something that people feel they should avoid.

Or a tricky energy to deal with. Because what I might consider as karmic debris – the scattered remains of a previous try at being human – can contain nuggets of gold. There is so much wisdom earned when we get things wrong. Or have to navigate through all the different ways that love can be absent from our lives. Treading very carefully so as not to make the same mistakes all over again. Karmic debris might actually be exactly what is needed to help me make positive choices with my free will. If I can access the history of my decisions, take a look at why, what, where and when then I can discover how it all turned out. Even why I found myself creating the wrong flow of energy for myself. With those clues I can hope that my next choices will be more loving.

That’s the real, sometimes hidden, value of karmic debris. The remains of other lives show me where I struggled to love myself enough. The times I chose what others wanted for me rather than what I knew would be best for me. I can use the past life choices as my guide to what not to do this time around. So that, in the end, I create new flows of karmic energy that leave fewer remains for me to pick over. But gather me increased amounts of loving wisdom.

Day 941 of my blogging challenge

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