How the year is flying by. I find myself running another Inspired 2 Write challenge. It’s number four and not something I had ever planned to do. Yet it started again this week.
Late last year I was talking about my blogging during an interview for an article. The subject of my writing came up. I was fast approaching a full year of writing a daily blog. All out of a challenge I’d joined. It was to write every day for thirty days. About half way through I felt so inspired that I decided to keep going. I set myself a new target and now I’m over half way there. As I thought about what a gift that challenge was to me I realised I wanted to help other people to feel inspired too. Reading and writing have been a big part of my life. Through my blog I realised I had a writing voice. More, I realised I wanted to use it and share it.
After the interview I decided to try a challenge of my own. To help others write every day for twenty eight days. So here I am. Fourth challenge launched. And already feeling that there will be more of these mini challenges this year. I love the way writing words down helps to clear my day away. It’s great to go back and read what was on my mind too. And I can also recognise my patterns. Those issues that keep coming around again and again. Having written about them before I can also notice how I’ve changed. See where my responses are different this time. Track my progress as I change and grow in my life. No wonder I love writing. Or that I want to help others discover their own writing.
Of course as I’m taking part in the challenge too. It doubles the amount of writing I’m doing. Very soon I’m also going to start writing my next book. One of my lifetime dreams is finally coming into being. I’m inspired. Why don’t you get inspired to write too?
Day 562 of my blogging challenge