Inner Work to Change the Outer World

As the moon starts to wain it’s a good time for inner work. This was the inspiration from my Intuitive Connections Group today.

I believe in looking at the world as energy. I am energy. Everyone else is energy. In fact everything we experience, physical and non-physical, is the manifesting of energy. So feelings, thought and words are energy too. When I look at things this way I also look at my inner world. The energy that fills my mind. What thoughts am I having? What feelings am I feeling? And what words do I use or have I taken from others to define who I am?  Because sometimes the energy I give room to in my inner world is less than positive. Maybe the shadow side of me, the place where all of the uncomfortable or low vibrational thoughts and feelings are stored, also contains judgements that I apply to myself.

Incorrect judgements. Opinions that make my inner world a challenging place. Or where I block my own energy flow and end up denying myself positive energy. This means that when I send out my requests for abundance to flow in to me it doesn’t really happen. My inner world is sending out mixed energy signals. It also means that I am attracting energy into my life that may mirror the low vibrational energy in me. Instead of positive experiences I may draw to me all of the things I fear or dislike. Sometimes I may even choose not to notice these mirror images. Perhaps I feel it will be too difficult or painful to root out all of these wrong judgements. Especially if the energy attached to them is very strong.

My inner world stays in chaos instead of peace. I keep running into situations that distress me. I wonder why I can’t have a happy life.

And I keep saying that my outer world is causing the inner turmoil. The past haunts me. The present challenges me. And the future looks bleak. That is the point when I am required to look again. I have to be brave enough to see my inner world as clearly as possible. I know that we struggle sometimes to see the good in ourselves. Often because we have been told not to be arrogant or big-headed. Yet until I look at my virtues as much as I judge myself from my vices I won’t be able to change my outer world. That’s because I will keep on expecting the same. Giving out energy that produces the landscape I have inside of me.

When I get stuck in this way I try my best to remind myself of the good in my inner world. Of the positive energies in my life and in me. I focus on being good enough for the day I’m in and I keep my attention on what I’m doing in the moment. Of course I have to address all of those judgements in my head. And that’s where the waning moon energy is useful. I imagine all of the low vibrational energy fading away just like the moon disappearing from view. Encouraging myself to identify what is creating turmoil in my inner world I embrace that the past is the past. I try as much as possible to forgive myself for being a human who gets it wrong sometimes. And I re-call all the energy I have given out that was not what I wanted to send into the outer world.

Asking for the return of the low vibrational energy helps me to let it go. It was mine to start with and I can release it more positively than when I first sent it out. All I have to do is love myself. And make it my desire to send out more love to the outer world.

Day 566 of my blogging challenge 

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