My Tattoo: an Infinity of Lives

img_2235Today I completed something that has taken 18 years. I got my second tattoo. Another personal reminder of my life’s achievements.

I remember my Dad’s reaction to my news that I was getting a tattoo at the age of forty. He though I was mad. Dad said to me ‘You know it’s for life’. He was so off balance at the idea of his daughter with a tattoo that I don’t think he saw the funny side of his comment. I did. My Mum was a bit calmer but also thought I was mad. They grew up in a generation where body art was only for rough, tough guys and prisoners. An ink portrait was a sign of low status. Yet I knew I wanted to commemorate the conscious start of my personal development.  The Raven I opted for celebrated my decision to become a therapeutic counsellor.

It also represented my desire to embrace the Goddess energy that I had denied for most of my life. Stepping into connection with the Divine Feminine was important for me. I needed to work out and balance who I was. In fact my journey into being a counsellor was inspired by the collapse of my corporate life. I knew it was time to make deep changes within. Exploring how to help others gave me access to lots of ideas about how to help myself. You could say that I’ve been developing aspects of myself ever since then. Now, eighteen years later, I have reached another level of development.

Today I opted to have body art representing Ouroboros – the World Snake or Infinity – on my arm. I want to acknowledge that life continues eternally in all it’s forms.

Working with the Spirits and Energy Beings I have been able to expand my understanding of why I am here as well as who I am. Alongside my passion for making sense of my past lives I look forward to the new lives I will live after this one. I also look forward to the new beginnings that will arise in this life. As I shed each snake skin and evolve it’s exciting to think about all the surprises that are in store. What new patterns will I develop? Which are the ways I will best serve myself and others? How can I help people to appreciate that we are infinite beings of Light?

The Snake and Ouroboros are ancient symbols of one of my past lives too. Having my tattoo where I can remind myself of the fluid nature of past, present, future is also about reminding me that Ego is a dead end for humanity. Spiritual progress comes only when I recognise my Spirit Within and express that in the way I live. I’m moving firmly from my phase of personal development into a new cycle that is my grown up spiritual development. Of course there has been some overlap with both. My new body art is my promise to myself that it’s time to expand and grow much more. I feel it is the culmination of the work of many lives to reach this cliff. I’m prepared to step off into a new ascension journey.

Day 337 of my blogging challenge.

2 thoughts on “My Tattoo: an Infinity of Lives

  1. Lovely to read about this important milestone -here- It was empowering to ink this piece for you Annie – it’s certainly right before my eyes – infinity is in everything as the energy of it all – it’s wonderful to be reminded of the vital essence of ourselves and to humour the power of The Sacred Feninine.

    Clare Lupino

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