Icy Blasts: When People Can’t Agree

IcyThere have been icy blasts of wind today taking the temperature down. So it’s felt much colder. Even when the snow has stopped. Going outside a few times I was delighted to get back into shelter. And warmth. It made me think of being at war with the cold.

I felt so good getting back indoors. Of wrapping my warm house around me like an extra layer of clothes. The icy wind chilled me to the bone. And I was only out in it for a short time. As short a time as possible actually. It made me think of the people all over the world who have to be out in the raw, cold weather all of the time. Those who don’t have a warm dwelling to shelter in. That happens in many countries. Sometimes because there have been wars and poverty. This evening I heard media news talk about us being in a new Cold War. Something I hoped we had finally moved away from. The kind of international relationships that shove people’s needs out into the cold.

Yet I can understand the icy blast of a cold relationship. We seem to be so good at removing all warmth from one another when we feel our demands aren’t being met. I remembered my blogs from this week. And the last few weeks. The big energy push this year is to get me to remember how enriching and life affirming loving relationships can be. When I make space for me and the other person to matter. And when I work from a place of love not limitation. Yet when I withdraw from a relationship emotionally, when the love is removed, it can become as cold as Siberia in moments. Then I forget that the other person matters too. And I push only for what I want. Not what might be best for both of us.

The icy weather is set to continue. It is showing me the best and worst of people. Reminding me that I have to be warm to others. Then they can be warm to me. And we can agree to make sure that everyone has a warm welcome, with a warm heart to the warmth of a welcoming community. Stay warm and safe this weekend, sheltered from the cold.

Day 826 of my blogging challenge 

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