Humbug: Sensing Behind The Masks I Wore

humbugMy Guides often remind me to be my authentic self. Especially when it’s tempting to be one up or down. Or when I stumble across humbug. Either my own. Or the hypocrisy of others.

I know we have all put on masks. We want people to like us or approve of us. So we hide the parts of ourselves that we judge and find wanting. As soon as I started to engage more with my intuition I realised something very important. I could sense very clearly when I was lying to myself. When I had slipped on a mask so that other people would approve of me. Similarly I could also sense the masks of others. Those times when the people around me were talking humbug. For whatever reason. It made me ask my Guides what use my intuition was going to be if all it showed me was that people had masks firmly in place. I was rather surprised by the answer. Identifying my own masks would be easier when other people mirrored them to me.

Because the real issue they wanted me to focus on was my own humbug. Our communications would be stronger if I was my authentic self. So I began the process of taking off my masks one by one. Every time I spotted someone else’s humbug I looked for where that was in me. Each signal or sensing was a gift. Giving me a chance to remove the inauthentic parts of me. Last night, in the middle of the night, dealing with difficult circumstances, I spotted another one. A little part of me that had been hiding. But one that was very powerful in pushing me to complain to myself.  Yet not to actually voice what I wanted to say. A small unauthentic moment. But an important one.

It showed me how quickly I now pick up on my own humbug. That gives me an opportunity to deal with my situations more honestly. Which also helps me resist putting on more masks. I am also comfortable with the masks other people wear. Much as I might wish them to take off their masks I understand that choosing to do so is a process. One that takes time to undertake. Just like the time it has taken me to boost my connections to my Guides.

Day 962 of my blogging challenge

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