Habits, Past Lives And Future Choices

pattern & habitsI’ve returned to old habits again. Out and about at a Mind, Body, Spirit fayre I got talking to someone about past lives. Again. It’s my passion for past lives that brought me to mediumship and the event today.

For the past forty years my life has been entangled with the subject of past lives. I’ve done workshops, both as a student and teacher, meditations, read books and both given and received messages about my own past lives. Each experience has helped me too understand that old habits are hard to break. And every time I thought I had got rid of one, back it has come to challenge me again. These habits are designed to get me to pay attention to my choices. So that, in future, I can make decisions that handle things differently. But sometimes I really wish I’d left my past lives well behind me. Especially as I know I have had many tries at balancing off my karma. Over many, many lives.

Chatting to the lovely people who were also running stalls I couldn’t help thinking about habits. My patterns and ways of doing things. I was also wondering why my Guides had got me back to MBS events. Apparently it was for my book promotion. But I soon realised that I was really there to meet people and chat. I often find I pass on messages, dressed up as casual conversations, in this rather random fashion. Especially when people might find it more difficult to get to my work base. Today it seemed the subject was past lives. I found myself explaining about how understanding them made it easier to know what we had already tried. So it would be quicker to try a different way to deal with a situation. Rather than retreat into a well worn response.

And, of course, I explained that this is the way we grown in wisdom. So habits are there to be broken. Finding a way to do something differently is a way to increase my options. Or generate new possibilities for the future. I enjoyed reflecting on this particular pattern and doing things slightly differently. I am grateful for my past lives today. They helped me explain something to someone else. That’s a good thing to get from an old habit!

Day 747 of my blogging challenge

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