It seems that now I’ve started with Wolf Running some of the others in my Guide team would like a mention. I love that there are so many helpers available to me. It’s awe-inspiring.
Over the years I’ve been fascinated by the way that my Guides have shifted around. One steps in whilst another steps out. One has a skill with crystals, another with public speaking and a third with energy healing. I have to say that I originally thought I would only have one Guide. Some of the books I read and the events I attended gave that impression. It was odd to notice that Wolf Running was stepping out of connection sometimes and that someone else was working with me. His energy was so familiar and safe. What were others doing stepping into his place?
I was used to Spirit people bringing messages. Why where these other Spirit people hanging around and not giving messages to their loved ones? Gradually the light dawned. They expected to be able to work with me too. I have to admit that I got very challenging when it happened the first time. The Pastor started to appear during my church or spiritual centre demonstrations. He was rather too stern for my liking. Good at philosophy but serious with it. He needed to get his points across. The messages were certainly different to what I was used to. So I did my usual. I had a wobbly.
Annie the Amazon
I can go in guns blazing if necessary. It’s not something I do often. The Pastor got both barrels and so did Wolf Running. I didn’t want to change the way I worked. I wanted the security of my Gatekeeper. Why should I work with anyone else? I held out for six weeks. The Pastor kept bouncing in at every service I did. I struggled to get a decent link most of the time. Afterwards I would strongly debate with my Gatekeeper why change was necessary. He was very patient. So was the Pastor. A good man but a fundamentalist at heart when he was down here. Of course a part of me knew I was on the loosing side already. I wanted to give messages because I knew how much people benefited from the hope their loved ones brought.
One evening I stood up to give some wise words (my term for a philosophy, sermon, address or whatever you want to call it). The Pastor stepped in close and started to speak. His words were so moving I found myself almost in tears. He spoke from the heart about love. He explained why we had to work hard to love ourselves and each other. The words he used were simple. Afterwards people thanked me for the words that had been spoken. I had already realised why I had to work with him. His compassion as a Spirit being was based on the lack of compassion he had here in his human life. He wanted to be different. I was giving him a chance to heal his karma. It was a very special moment.
Bring in the Children
The Pastor and I worked together for a couple of years. He taught me to be precise in what I spoke on behalf of the Spirit World. I understood his need for me to be serious and learn my trade so to speak. I learned that my service of passing on evidence and messages was a privilege that could’t be taken lightly. We found a way to share the same energy together and make it work. Settling into my stride I did still think he was the only other Guide I would have. Until one day I was driving to a church and found myself laughing over nothing. The Children had joined me.
There are quite a few children. They like my energy apparently. They love to play. I was ready for a break from serious and they were perfect. As they liked to play I often found myself in a game hide and seek with one or more of them. They also loved to play with pendulums. Great for paranormal nights when I would ask them to get the energy moving. They were aged from about 3 to 12 years old. I felt like they had decided to shake me up a bit. I loved their energy as they flew around the room or got people giggling. The Children have been wonderful Guides. I discovered the child-like side of me that wanted to play too. I certainly had some adventures in their company. They pop back in every now and again when I’m ready to play some more.
Time for Trance
There was another adventure that the Children and the Pastor had to step back from. This was my journey into Trance Mediumship. I’m fascinated by the mind. By how we can be in altered states of consciousness that appear as real as this reality I feel I’m conscious in now. To discover that there were states of consciousness where Energy Beings could communicate in a deeper fashion was exciting. I needed to explore. But I needed a Guide who could help me to do so. As my Guide team shuffled around once more I met my Trance Guide. My young Zulu warrior can out of a meditation. Walking out of the sunlight across a sandy plain with scrubby grass. I’m always ready to challenge what I get. I called on Wolf Running. I wanted to check out this new person. Would he really keep me safe? Could I trust him?
Of course it was a yes. I had been sent a Guide experienced in patience (not my strong point) who would steady me whilst I learned to give over control of my conscious mind. I was delighted that the adventure could begin. I suppose I was trying to run before `i could walk. I gradually learned to slow down. To be patient with myself. To listen to the few words my Zulu Guide gave me. To follow his lead by reading his energy. In time I was able to work in deeper altered states. I could show people changes that took place to my appearance. Spirit people could speak through me in nearly their own voice. Then I found I couldn’t speak at all.
Moving on to new challenges
When I stopped speaking in trance my Zulu friend stepped back. It was time for me to begin another journey. New Guides would be coming in. I am working with a new part of my team to develop Direct Voice. This is a form of mediumship where the Energy Beings speak but without using my vocal chords. I’m interested to see what will happen. I know that the right Guides will be with me on this journey too. The team is always just who it ought to be.
I love having a team around me. I know that whatever expertise I need will always be on hand. I am so glad to find that I have more than one individual supporting my spiritual development. I love the freshness of each day when I find out who is by my side. I also love that at any given moment there is more than one Being looking out for me. My team have stood the test of my questioning, arguing and resisting. I hope you are inspired to find out who is in your team. You have more help than perhaps you realise at the moment. Enjoy the adventure of finding out!
Day 228 of my blogging challenge.
Hi annie,I enjoyed ready your blog ,I found it fascinating and want to learn more about my guides around me .Thank you
Glad you enjoyed the blog Elaine ? Happy exploring ?