It’s New Moon energy. All day I’ve been sending out wishes and dreams so the energy of my desires will return to me. Yet I’ve also been aware of the Earth’s Archangels. They have come into every conversation and also into my meditation. I felt the pull of their grounding energy sinking me knee deep into Mother Earth.
On Sunday I am giving a talk about these interesting ArchAngels. They have been channelling through me for a long time. Filling my mind with challenging questions. And testing tasks. It’s taken me a while to get accustomed to their energy. As well as to their mind-set. But in everything they have given me there has been one loving push. That of getting me to ground myself in the Earth’s energy. Reminding me that if I have fallen to Earth then I have done so for a purpose. A purpose that requires grounding into and accepting the energy of this place. Like locking myself into the energy waves that are unique to this place.
I know grounding myself here on Earth has been hard. I’ve resisted being human quite a lot. I certainly didn’t want to find myself back here quite so quickly. Yet I volunteered. I wasn’t pushed. My reward has been to work with lots of people who felt the same as me. And to help them ‘click’ into their human lives. Or not. Because it is always a free will choice. At every step of the way I could have said no. Refused to do what was asked of me. Stopped the energy and ignored what I was being asked to do. I’m glad I haven’t done that. The ArchAngels have gifted me so much. Now in this time of New Moon wishes I know they want to give me more. All I have to do is ask for it. And be ready to receive it in return.
That’s the interesting thing about grounding though. I have all of my requirements met. Most of my dreams are already on their way in. But I feel the pain of the planet. So I am asking for others. For the planet, for the animals, for all of the people. I’m asking that the Earth’s ArchAngels help all of us to realise our full potential. That in doing so we discover the peace and contentment of sharing the energy together. As one whole, united Earth bathed in loving kindness.
Day 901 of my blogging challenge