When good stuff happens

imageIt’s been a kind of muddled energy day. Yet amongst all of the ups and downs I felt amazingly calm. It’s like I finally learned not to sweat the small stuff. Wonderful!

My emails were delayed because the server had been attacked by a Denial of Service. Apparently this happens quite a lot to host computers and companies because people think it’s a fun thing to do. Odd stuff to waste your time on really because what would the loss of the internet do? Life would still function. I know it did before the World Wide Web. I wonder why people don’t waste their time on making the Internet better for everyone so nothing is hidden. Why not target the Dark net?

The I’m sorry if I’ve already lost you. It took me a while to find out what a denial of service was though apparently the dark net has been growing just as fast as the Internet I’m used to. So, no emails for a while. Then a mobile phone signal that danced in and out. Isn’t technology wonderful when it works. Apparently it could have been atmospherics, the position of my head or, as I prefer to believe, gremlins. Energy gremlins. There must have been diary gremlins too. My appointment for this morning failed to show, or let me know. This afternoon another appointment slot has been added to a waiting list so it’s time for me to wait my turn again. That’ll be another three months then.

I could go on itemising all the irritating stuff but it isn’t important. So much good has been happening too.

I had lunch with my PartyLite Mummy, Liz, and my lovely daughter. We have a new way of working that will really suit my needs. There was chocolate cake. And we talked about my sister, who is busy on her PartyLite journey too. All of us, even Erin, are excited about discovering our Signature Scents and sharing the fun if doing so. Later in the afternoon I had a chance to do a Parashiel’s Balm treatment. I love the way people sink into that warm and comforting energy. It often takes them a little while to gather themselves after, so I know they have been wrapped in this ArchAngel’s love.

I’ve also been going through my accounts. Not my most favourite job. I like to know where I am before I send them to the accountant. There were a couple of small errors in bills I’d already paid so I will have some funds to come back. I also realised that I am doing ok enough to have an upgrade of some of my technology in the office. There are a couple of things that will really help me and I was able to order them. In the past I would have hummed and hawed about each one. I would have had to justify it to the voice in my head who believed in the fear of lack. That voice was silent today.

I know that the work I have been doing to look at myself and make changes has started to pay off.

Whether it’s business or personal stuff I can handle it much better because I am freeing myself from obligations that have limited me in the past. When good things happen it’s because I have created the right energy conditions for them to come in as presents from the Universe. That’s how I’ve been seeing everything today. The Universe is happy to reward me so long as I’m happy to receive whatever is sent in. Even the irritating bits are useful. They show me things about myself or others that I need to pay attention to. I’m being helped to make sure that what I give out I’m prepared to get back.

Staying calm, focusing on the good vibrations and loving every one and thing that is out of step with my world can only happen if I am completely honest with myself. So I haven’t looked around at what others have been doing today. I’ve been looking at me. And the most important thing I’ve been seeing is how I can improve me. How I can do, say and be better at being me. What others think or feel of me is all about them. I can’t do anything about that. Being true to me is the best feeling. No where near a perfect me. Or a saintly me. Not a me who everyone ‘knows’. I’m being true to the unique Spirit me as much as I can. Every day when I notice that the good stuff has happened I know I’ve taken a step towards the Spirit me.

Day 282 of my blogging challenge. 

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