Going Off Grid

520004dd69c9a-42-02We have arrived in Scotland for a break. I’ve brought my blogs to help me with my book, my pastels, pencils, some research reading and a couple of fiction books. Plenty to do alongside a promise to relax, lol. However I also expected to continue my daily blogging so my iPad & phone are with me too. Just one little issue though. There is no wifi or phone service. We are completely off the grid!

After a walk on the beach I drove to the nearest little village to check if I could get a phone signal and work out where there might be wifi. It felt really strange that we are out of connection with the rest of the electronic world. My brain was whizzing around planning how I might be able to get a post on Facebook or my blog uploaded to my website. How quickly we adapt to technology without even knowing it. Then when it’s gone there is a gap. I had a slight feeling of panic that somehow I would be failing in my challenge to blog every day. It took me a moment or two to remind myself that being off the grid and unable to post would not stop me writing a blog at all. Also that the grid of connections, social media and website included, was still in place so I would be able to publish the blogs to the Internet at some point. The key thing was to write.

In the peace of a warm, sunny evening I am sitting writing about being off the grid. The phone connection is very slow in the local village so no posting until we visit somewhere that has free wifi. The one grid that is still in place is the connection to the energy world. My Guides, the Angels and other Energy Beings are around. In the flow of the water, the breeze in the trees, the song of the birds and the blossom of the flowers. The wonder what Nature is all around. Our planet is amazing. When we step away from the modern, material world we enter a space where perhaps we can be open to the presence of the unseen. As the light fades I’m grateful for this space, the peace and the opportunity to step off the grid (even unplanned) for a time.

Day 189 of my blogging challenge. Written 23rd May 2016.

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