Friendship is eternal

thank youIt has been lovely this week to share time with friends old and new. Whether it’s over Facebook, Skype, face to face or over the phone checking in with friends is a magical bonus to this festive season. It doesn’t matter if someone has been a short term friend, known me all through my life or pops in and out every now and then. Each person has made a contribution to the history of my life. I sometimes spend time reminding myself of all the wonderful people who I call friends. I wonder how they are, what they are now doing in their lives and if I will get to see them again.

For the friends I see a lot, the answers are easy to give. For those who are now out on their journey further away from me I hope that they are finding joy in their their lives. For my social media friends I hope that I can see their posts when it’s time for me to offer support, encouragement & laughter. A text can be a quick way to send a smile or hug too. Sometimes it’s about giving myself time to make that phone call or to Skype when the written word can’t do justice to the feelings I want to convey to my friends. Or they really need to find a listening ear, a warm how can I help or an it’s going to be ok. I guess friendship isn’t measured by the amount of time you spend with someone or what you do for each other. For me friendship is about those moment to moment connections that happen when you feel like you’ve met someone who ‘gets’ you. A shared ‘something’ that makes a sort of sense of the world for that instant.

One of the interesting thing about my work is who steps forward to give messages from the Spirit World. People often expect their nearest & dearest. Sometimes they are surprised that a friend has come to speak to them. They wonder why that person & not a family member. Yet friendship can carry us through the challenges of life, sometimes more successfully than anything else, because it is a wonderful form of love. Friendship is giving and sharing too. Our friends are the people who are prepared to tell it like it really is. So our friends on the Spirit side still want to be here for us. They want to remind us of what we shared together. Most especially they want to show that time, space and eternity can’t get in the way of a loving friendship.

It’s a festive time, a time to celebrate the change from dark to light, in whatever way that has meaning for each of us. Take a few moments to remember all the friendships you have had in your life, especially those still walking along with you, – you might be surprised at how many people are on your list of friends. Try not to judge the nature of the friendship you had or currently have – remember that for an instant or more someone understood enough about you and your life to share moments with you. Then add in all of the friends who live in the pink perfect now. Don’t forget your Guides either. Do you see that you have never really been alone? Do you understand that you have love around you all of the time? Fill yourself up with that loving friendship and let it spill out once more to all of your friends. I believe that what you give out you get back. I’m sending all of my friends in all dimensions my loving thanks today.

Day 37 of my blogging challenge.

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