Friend Across The Divide: Healing The Past

FriendIt’s rained heavily today. So I’ve stayed in. It gave me time to read. As I did I was reminded of a friend from long ago. Someone now in Spirit. I remember how much it hurt when she passed. I knew someone special had left my life.

The book I was reading discussed events around the late 1980’s. The time my friend passed away. We hadn’t know each other for very long in terms of years. But we made a deep connection very quickly. So it was a shock. One that I felt for a long time. Then, as time passed, I missed her less. Or became accustomed to her absence. It wasn’t until I started my connections with the Spirit people that I learned that my friend was still with me. She had been the one who got me interested in reading cards. So she made sure I knew she was watching my progress with interested. And she was able to help me to recognise the hurt I still carried from loosing her out of my life.

I was grateful to my friend all over again for the help she gave me. Understanding that friendship endures across even the most difficult divide – that between life and death – helped me with the other bereavements that have happened in my life. Because I know that healing is always possible. I can feel the loss but the pain can be released. It’s about knowing that there is an Afterlife. A place where all the people I care about are still present. And they can be in my life. Meaning that my loss is their physical presence. But not their love and connection. It also gave me a different appreciation of friends here on Earth. Knowing that a friend may be here for a short while or for a lifetime.

I understand that whatever might divide me from my friends doesn’t remove the gift of the friendship. Friends are precious for those moments you have them in your life. I’m sending all the friends who have been in my life my gratitude for their help and healing in my life.

Day 860 of my blogging challenge 

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