I’m learning to float. To sink back and let the flow of positive energy carry me along where it will. Actually I’m getting really good at floating. Especially since the Summer Solstice.
I’ve known for a long time that we are in an energy of change. What began in 2013 was a process of energies designed to wake up, shake up and propel us forward into Ascension Consciousness. The material world needs to rebalance so that there is more love flowing around the human energy system. And I know that I need to rebalance so that I have more love flowing through me. In turn, that will give me more love to send out into the material world. That’s where learning to float comes in. It’s about floating through life on a current of love. Letting the love surround and support me. Although it has taken me quite a while to let go of the urge to control where I float to. Probably because it involved trust, faith and belief in myself to get me started.
Like anyone learning to swim I worried that I might drown. That tricky currents would pull me under. Or that I would run out of energy and sink below the surface. Yet when I learned to float on water it was one of the most peaceful things I could ever have imagined. It’s been the same with learning about floating in the energy. Fear, anxiety and lack of confidence have made me wary of letting myself relax into the flow. But it has got easier every time I have surrendered and floated along. Until last week. The Solstice energy has been incredible. A wave of immensely positive love has picked me up and carried me along. There has been nothing for it but to lie back and float with it. I’m letting it take me where it will. This peaceful, easy feeling carrying me to who knows where.
I know I have crossed an important line. Feeling ready to float in the new energy being beamed in. I had already stated my choice. To step completely out of my old patterns and limitations. Now I know the next eight years will bring more and more love into my life. Because that was the choice. Stay limited and stuck. Or embrace the freedom of being limitless. I hope you have embraced the free flow of love and are floating along with me today.
Day 942 of my blogging challenge