Feeling Strong: Letting The True You Through

strong windThe wind was really strong last night. As I lay in bed listening to it shaking the trees I thought about how powerfully it can blow across the land.

I’m an air sign. I love being outside when the wind is blowing. Even when it’s so strong I struggle to stand steady. I also enjoy feeling the cleansing energy of the wind as it rushes around me removing any cobwebs. The storm last night reminded me that I have been removing layers of stuck energy for most of this year. That’s what has made it such a challenging one. Yet underneath all of the stuckness I’m getting a real sense of who I actually am. And I love her. The me that is emerging is so much fun. She’s strong too. Ready for any challenge.

That’s a good thing. Because I’m almost at the end of this period of changes. Anything not yet shifted will linger to trip me up over the next nine years. So I’m grateful for the wild and windy weather. It’s encouraging me to check what is still stuck. So I can shift it, clear it, release it. I want the tirue me to have the space to grow and develop much more. Letting the gales of change energy blast me will make sure I have many more options. So I’m standing strong and steady which ever way the wind is blowing. I’m using visualIsation to keep my dreams in focus. As well as making sure I enjoy the moment. Being in the Now is a great way to notice how I’m different. It also lets me understand what I still want to change.

When I pay attention to my true self I feel strong. I recognise that I can survive any gusts and storms coming my way. In the calm after the storms I will still be standing strong, loving myself and able to contribute my abilities to my tribe. So blow wind, blow. I want to grow!

Day 699 of my blogging challenge 

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