Family Time: Both Sides Of Life Gather Close

familyIt’s nearly time to celebrate a new beginning. Letting the old year go so the new one can come in. I’m very fortunate to be with family at this time. From both sides of life.

It’s always hard to pass another anniversary without loved ones who have gone to the Spirit World. Yes, I have memories of their time with me. But it’s not quite the same as being with that person. That’s why I valued time spent with my Earth family around these anniversaries. Until I opened up to communicating with the Spirit World I wasn’t certain that those on the other side of life were actually there. Because I had no evidence that they were. Yet when I began to develop my mediumship they gave me more and more evidence. Plenty to show me that they still got involved in my life. Knowing that eased the pain of those anniversaries.

It also helped me make the most of family time because I felt the connection with those who had gone before us. And I could remind myself that we were all together once more. And would always be together. As each anniversary comes round again I count another year. However, I also understand that time is passing for me and not for them. So we join as a family on lots of occasions but, like any family, are there at any time for each other. Until we reunite again in the Spirit World and step out of time. In the meantime, back with my Earth family, we have been talking about old times. Looking at a group photograph and chatting about those in Spirit. Recalling gatherings. Telling stories. Passing on our history to the next generation.

Family is a connective thread. It can include blood and married in relatives. Mine certainly includes friends. A thread that joins all of us together whatever side of life we are currently on. When it’s time to sing Auld Lang Syne I know all of us will feel the pull of our connection to each other. Reminding us of times past and present. As well as taking us into the future.

Day 766 of my blogging challenge 

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