Enter the Orbs to much Laughter

img_2279I love taking the opportunity to work with Energy Beings in many different ways. So whether you call it a seance, a circle or a paranormal investigation doesn’t really matter. I take every chance I can to sit still for a while and ask them to connect with me.

I find it takes a lot of patience to make the energy connections. Stuff doesn’t just happen in 5 seconds or 5 minutes. I also know that to get the best from the communication the energy has to be positive, light and bright. And I also know that any place you are can become active if you give the Energy Beings the chance to show themselves. I often sit quietly in all sorts of places and ask them for a sign that they are present. One of the signals I often get is to see or photo orbs.

Orbs are a very interesting phenomenon. There is a debate about whether they are caused by dust, insects, the way the light falls, the internal workings of the camera or weather conditions like rain. I only know that every so often I get the feeling I need to take a camera out with me. Or to get my iPhone out and start clicking away. When I do that I often find I have captured orbs. I guess you could also call them light anomalies too. Orbs are generally expected to be round. Sometimes I have beams of light or fogging instead. In a sequence of snaps I can have nearly all perfectly normal with the odd, random one containing an anomaly.

I’m sure that the Energy Beings love making orbs and stray random lights appear in our photo equipment. They love it because it gets us thinking and talking. It gets us into how and why.

If fact, I’m sure they start the debate just to get us going off investigating. And experiencing. And opening our minds. So I encourage people to take photos when I’m working my mediumship. Even when I’m in a trance state. It’s a good time to capture orbs on film as I’m working in the vibration that the Energy Beings use to connect with us. Sometimes EMF meters, voice recorders and other technical equipment aren’t as much fun. Energy Beings want to get some laughter into the proceedings and scientific tools can be a bit dry. So last night I sat in an investigation with Energy Beings who decided they didn’t really want to play that way.

However, when it was quiet and dark I got the prompt to start taking photos with my phone. In the pitch black the light from the camera, as it prepared to flash, showed us on the screen a whole room full of orbs. They flew up, down, around in circles, towards us and away from us. I pressed as rapidly as I could to see if I could get photos of them. They zipped towards the screen as if laughing that the camera would be too slow. I found myself laughing too. The more we joined in the laughter the more the orbs flew about. When I tried my iPad they stopped. When I tried with the camera pointed to another part of the room they stopped. It was clear they wanted to run the show.

Is my photo evidence proof? The debate about orbs might say no. Then has the experience got any meaning for me? I would say yes.

When you have watched orbs flying around a dark room, invisible to the naked eye but clearly there in your viewfinder, you do wonder. The first time it happened for me it made me really question my scepticism. I moved from thinking with my analytical brain to considering orbs with my creative mind. Every time it has happened since I know I am experiencing something wonderful. Something perhaps outside my comfort zone. But also something that I can’t ignore. I have posted below a few of the photos I got in the investigation last night. Not to convert anyone to anything. But to encourage you to experience, reflect and then explore some more.

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Day 343 of my blogging challenge. 

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