Earth’s ArchAngel Wysdom Odyssey

Earth's ArchAngel Etieliel What a day! Up at 5.30 to get ready for the launch of the Wisdom Odyssey – the challenge set by the Earth’s ArchAngels two years ago. And what a day to launch. Jan and I know that the ArchAngels set us tasks, we complete them in the nick of time, then the explanations come in.

The Wysdom Odyssey is the return of the help and support these energy beings can share with us. They have waited a long time to come to our attention again. They bring knowledge backed by powerful energies for change on Mother Earth. It’s time for us to set up and play our part once more. We are being asked to channel through the Light, Love and Healing that will bring us through the gloom to a much brighter future.

As I sat writing up our discussion about the Odyssey yesterday evening I was struggling to find the right words. There is so much healing to do so how best to offer people an explanation. When you discover their energies you can’t quite take it all on board at once. Their vibration is so strong, so close and so loving. They have loved us and served us for such a long time without requiring any recognition. It can be overpowering to sense all of this love all in one go. Jan and I have been working very closely with that energy and it’s been a challenge. So how best to bring a sense of their presence? How best to help people get into that energy? The Wisdom Odyssey is the way the Earth’s ArchAngels suggested.

To begin with, there is the Seeker level for those who are new to working with energy. Then there is the Custodian level for those used to working and healing in higher vibrations. Finally there is the Guardian level for those who have got to know each ArchAngel, have completed significant healing of themselves and are ready to share the Wisdom with others. As I wrote this last night I felt the click in my intuition. This signal always lets me know that what I am doing fits perfectly with thew Divine Plan. This morning the Odyssey began.

Again it couldn’t have been planned better. The date today (21/06/2016) combines to make 3/6/9. Added together this is 18. And again to reduce down to 9. I’ve made a study of numerology and sacred geometry so became very excited last night when they gently reminded me to see if the numbers added up. It took me a moment to guess what Etieliel was referring to. Yet when I got it I was astounded. I couldn’t wait to tell Jan and share the ‘joke’ the ArchAngels were playing on us. After all, they had only given us three weeks to get this off the ground after months waiting around.

Three is the energy of creativity and a universally powerful number. New beginnings under a three are very likely to succeed. Six is the energy of change moving forward and two times three so creativity doubled. Any changes started under a six will multiply the benefits likely to emerge from what is being done. Finally, nine is the number of completion and three times three. Everything has an ending. Nine ensures that creative energy is carried forward into new beginnings by leaving all that was less than expected behind. Bringing all the nine facing nine energy together will create a vortex of positive energy to lift all of us and the planet. So today is also a good day to create new beginnings, change anything that is stuck and end the energies no longer useful in your life.

Finally, I’ve put the video we made at 6.30am this morning below in case you are interested in starting the Wisdom Odyssey too. For more information email me using

Day 218 of my blogging challenge.

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