One of the things I’ve been doing today is continuing to tidy up loose ends. Chatting with a friend I thought about how I’m really dissolving connections when I let the past go.
I like to have a tidyish house when I’m on holiday. It’s so that I can relax in comfortable energy without feeling too driven by housework. Anyone who knows me also knows that housework is very low down on my priority list. I guess that started when I developed asthma many years ago. In order to do housework I had to wear a dust mask. Sometimes I still do if my asthma has flared up. So setting off to do some cleaning this morning reminded me of the healing work I have been doing on the past lives that cause my asthma. Over time I have been dissolving the energy connected with deaths in fires.
I believe that my asthma has stayed extremely light for the last 35 years because I’ve tackled each layer of stuck energy very gently. But I know dust can still trigger a reaction, hence the dust mask times. I have persevered in dissolving the connection to those past lives bit by bit. Slowly releasing the body memories so that there are no sudden or dramatic reactions as I let each block of energy go. Doing it this way I also feel that I can fill the gap I create with positive energy much like a new skin growing over an old wound. Without the scaring. Or creating more karmic ripples for my next life.
Discussing this year with a lovely friend at lunchtime I thought about some of the decisions I have been making. I can see that I am dissolving emotional ties in much the same way.
At one point in my life I spent a lot of time and energy cutting the cords. I was working on letting go of co-dependant relationships as I wanted so much to stand on my own two feet. Understanding that while I was giving energy to these connections I was still bound by them I used all sorts of techniques. Certainly some of them worked. However I found that quite a lot of the time either the connection persisted or it seemed to return. I felt there were some energy relationships that I couldn’t seem to break. Then when I started to develop my mediumship I began to understand.
Intuitive psychic abilities were a bit of a surprise to me. So were my Guides. As I worked to understand how everything connected up I was helped to see that cutting an energy connection could sometimes leave a jagged edge. An end that could be reconnected. What I needed to do was remove the connection completely. That’s when my Guides helped me to visualise the connection I wanted to stop as a line of colour. I could pick the colour and the line would be quite thick and heavy like to was drawn in a page. Then I would imagine that I had an eraser so that I could gently rub out the line. When it was gone the connection would be gone too.
I really loved that idea. I used it a lot to clear my aura of old energy. Dissolving the line seemed such a gentle and compassionate way to remove another person from my life.
This year has been one of big changes for me. Mostly inner changes. To move forward I have had to clean up my energy. The past has had to be put behind me. The connections that have been holding me back have been dissolving one by one so that I can use my unique abilities better. Some of the connections have been internal. The voices of the past that still come into my mind when I’m wobbly. The experiences that battered and bruised me. The judgements I have made or have taken on board. As I’ve energised my inner world my outer world has cleared too.
Although Mercury is retrograde until 8th January I’m taking a lead from the energy it creates. As I clean, clear and recycle in my home and Centre I know I am dissolving the energy ties to old attitudes, beliefs and patterns. Bit by bit each connection gone frees up space for a new connection to be made. I know there are some amazing things for me to start next year and I want them to have all the positive energy I can give. So on with the dust mask, so to speak, and time to make everything shine brightly ?
Day 400 of my blogging challenge.