Discovering Physical Mediumship

img_2289There is one kind of mediumship that grabbed my attention a long time ago. Long before I even thought about being a medium. During my study of psychology I discovered physical mediumship.

Of course at that time I was very firmly standing in the science camp. So I thought that the historical records of physical mediumship were most likely misguided reports. Or fraudulent attempts to pass off magic tricks on vulnerable people. I was firm that no such things as I had read about could be true. Then I started to discover my own abilities. Eventually, after a number of years, I even started to want to develop my intuitive abilities. That’s when I first discovered, through my own efforts, trance mediumship. It seemed it was something I could do. Not that long after I began to find that physical phenomena happened when I worked in trance.

Keen to learn more about physical mediumship I started to re-read some of my books. I also looked around for new books to give me more idea of what I could expect to have happen if I carried on developing through trance and into sitting for physical activity. I was fortunate enough to meet with Robin and Sandra Foy after reading Robin’s book about the Scole experiments. And I was also able to attend seances with reputable mediums where the phenomena were impressive. Out of this search came my willingness to sit for the Energy Beings to see what else could happen when I went deeper into a trance.

My journey over the past tweleve years has been fascinating. Full of stops and starts. Also full of intriguing phenomena. Most of which I haven’t known until I resurfaced from my altered state of consciousness.

That’s the most interesting thing of all. I am in a deep meditative state so that the Energy Beings can work through me to make things happen in this world. They remain in their world but make it clear they can affect our world. I know they do this to encourage us to question the nature of reality rather than to scare us. In fact, if anyone is scared by what is happening the Energy Beings will shut the phenomena down. The more I sit in a group and work the more they will show us.

They often start by changing the temperature around the room quite a bit. Or making the room lighter or darker. There may be clicks, knocks or bangs. They like to show orbs or coloured lights. Or touch the arm or hand of participants. If the energy is high enough they may move objects. Or make ectoplasmic shapes. The Energy Beings are experimenting all the time and want me to join them in seeing how much they can do. I enjoy sitting with a group so that we all share this kind of connection. Even as I am typing this the Spirit people are making little clicks and small noises around my room. They know I like to know they are with me. They even showed up as an orb during a live broadcast video I did today.

I am excited about this kind of mediumship. Especially because it’s a way of bringing forward evidence of another existence. That there is intelligence or consciousness outside of the body.

At heart I am still a scientist. I’m prepared to look wider for my understanding of reality than simply physics, chemistry or maths. I want to explore how it all works. The Energy Beings who come through to work with us in our physical circle want to help us understand more.  I’m sure it’s because when we do we will change our way of living. I know that finding out I was more than I thought I was freed me to think and act differently. It helped me to embrace the spiritual nature of my being. Life has been a lot more peaceful since.

Day 348 of my blogging challenge.

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