I often find myself asking ‘Dear Spirit, when will my dream come true?’ Usually when what I’m wishing for seems as far away as ever.
And I know this is a popular question for people who have readings. They ask me to find out when their lives will improve. Or when they will be happy. Even when they can stop worrying about this or that. Of course it’s hard for me to have to explain that the loved ones in Spirit don’t give timescales every time. Especially not when the timescale is about something the sitter hold dear. But I know this from my own experience too. It’s tempting to ask my family members to give me a sign, a date or a month. Because when life has turned upside down all I want to know is that it will be ok again very soon. And if there is something I want I’m not the most patient of people. So I can pester for signs. Keep asking to be told. And find myself getting nothing at all.
It’s taken my loved ones in Spirit a while to help me see that the timescales are all down to me. In fact I often hear the response ‘Dear Annie, when would you like to make it happen?’ I guess I forget that I have free will. And making those dreams a reality is all about me taking action. If I don’t take the steps towards what I want is it any wonder I don’t get it. So in a reading a Spirit person may give all kinds of sound suggestions. Even potential timescales or dates. Yet if I sit back and wait for it to happen it never will. Often it’s also about changing the inside of my head. A dream can’t turn up if I don’t believe it will. Of if I think I’m not worth what I want. Sometimes I’ve even run in the opposite direction and self-sabotaged my dreams.
And there is nothing my loved ones can do. Except keep on loving, encouraging and messaging me. That’s key thing. They love me whether I get my dream now, next week or next year. And will love me even if I never get my dream. They will always tell me I am dear to them. So they remind me to keep on dreaming. And to keep on trying to live my dreams.
Day 688 of my blogging challenge