I’ve often talked and written about letting my Guides have time to speak to me. Or how to provide a moment to listen into what they want to say. One of the ways in which I work with them is by creating a space when we can talk to each other. I call it a Home Circle. First because it’s done in my home. And second because it’s with a circle of friends.
The term Home Circle isn’t unique to me though. Far from it. It goes back to the beginnings of the Spiritualist Movement and even before then. Home circles were used by religious groups to share, discuss and understand the teachings of their faith. And, I’m sure, before that in all sorts of communities where knowledge needed to be shared, talked through and agreed upon. Creating a home circle to include the Spirit and Energy Beings is therefore an entirely natural part of the way we human beings get ourselves organised. But because it can sound a bit secretive many people don’t even think about getting together with friends this way.
Yet I love creating this kind of space. Inviting people who I enjoy sharing time with. Having a cuppa and relaxing. Then all of us sitting quietly to see what we experience. And sharing during and after the connection with our Guides and the Spirit people. I enjoy hearing what other people have picked up. There is often a good discussion about what it all might mean. And an opportunity for me and everyone else to learn new ways of connecting with our Guides. I like to keep the time to one hour of sitting quietly. Not because we couldn’t do longer. But because it helps all of us focus enough on what is coming in without drifting into our Ego Minds or physical needs.
There are times when our circle is more active, less still and quiet, blasted by laughter too. I appreciate all of these moods. But it is the quiet that I appreciate the most. Because in the stillness even the most subtle or small of signals gets through. The stillness of a home circle and the creative ways in which the space is used by our Guides is wonderful to experience.
Day 831 of my blogging challenge