Cosmic ordering: attracting abundance

imageCosmic ordering. Law of attraction. Manifesting abundance. What are we talking about? The idea is that we can request whatever we want in our lives and it will be delivered to our doorstep. Not just our Amazon books, eBay purchase or online shop from a supermarket. But also our money, our new job or our happiness. Sounds really good doesn’t it? Write your wishes down & ‘send’ them out to the Universe then everything will happen just as you requested.

Why am I writing about this subject today? Perhaps because I am going to benefit from a successful crowd funding bid for my business. Perhaps because I have an imaginative solution to my daughter’s studying problem. Perhaps because I’m often asked why the Law of Attraction hasn’t worked for someone (or for me, lol). You see, I believe that we are energy, that what we give out we get back and that if we choose to limit ourselves we will always stay limited in what we receive.

I love that this morning I donated to a funding bid by a theatre company who had secured the support of George Takei. Then this evening I found we had reached our pledge target for our funding bid. Passing on the ‘giving’ energy helped me to create with 102 other businesses enough energy for the support to be sent back to us. If I had  held back, not given any rewards to the project, not shared & shared & shared the web site, posts and tweets the energy going in to manifest success would have been much less. We still might have made it but perhaps only right at the last moment. Now we have a few days to enjoy the success and a great end of project party to look forward to.

That is what manifesting is all about. Generating enough positive, passionate energy for your wishes to register in the Universal ocean of energy. Diverting the flow so that positive energy returns back to you in a form you have requested. Anyone can do it. It really is easy. It can happen so fast that you can surprise yourself. Give it a try. Check it out. See what happens. Put out the thought that you want a (car, job, friend etc.). Send it out with all your positive energy. Step back from what you have asked for and be sure it will happen. Forget about it and move on to something else. Then it will happen.

There are some things to consider though. If you wish for a new car how do you make sure it’s the kind of new car you want? Did you mean new to you rather than brand new? Did you say a make & model but think you would never get that kind of car as you are … to poor, don’t have the money, don’t deserve it, it will be too expensive to maintain? Sending out the order you need to be specific enough, believe it enough and be able to accept that you will get exactly what you asked for. That is where many of us struggle. We asked for something, perhaps not too clearly, got it, didn’t like what we got and lost trust in the ordering service. We blamed the Universe for what it delivered instead of thinking about why we ended up with what we got.

We need to be thinking about if we are asking for the right reason too. Have we asked because we were only wanting to feel better than others, more superior or for reasons of greed, anger, envy or hate?  I said earlier what you give out you get back. Orders are often flawed because we were asking from a place of low vibrational energy. These type of deliveries give you only what you need (often another life lesson about gratitude, acceptance and love) rather that what you might want. So approaching a request knowing that you have given your share of positive loving energy in to the Universal flow helps to attract the best of all outcomes when you are ordering.

One other common pitfall is when you send the request a out you cannot revisit it. If you ask for a new car to be a VW Beetle one day and a Landrover Discovery the next which one should the Universe send you? Perhaps you go from wanting a grey one to a silver one to a red one? How can the Universe know that you won’t change your mind again? You have to let go of the control over the way your delivery happens and the date of delivery too. Going back time & time again to the wish you sent out disrupts the energy flow. Send out one clear wish (with a specific date & time if you like) then move on to the next one. It really is best if you can let the Universe deliver your wish in the best possible way and time to make sure your wish is completely fulfilled.

I’m at the end of a wish fulfilled day. I already have tomorrow’s wishes to send out. What will you order for yourself? How big do you want your wish to be? Time to place an order for yourself??

Day 84 of my blogging challenge

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