Under Construction – Hard Hat Required!

imageToday my blog was very much under construction as I made my way home from a church service. So many Spirit Beings had stepped forward to bring in evidence after evidence of being present. It really gave me a pause for thought.

Sitting in the traffic jam of a diversion because the motorway was closed I listened to a song containing the nickname of my Gatekeeper Guide. I laughed at some of the other music being played because it reminded me that twice this week I’ve had to give a gift from Spirit to a loved one. That gift was a hard hat. Usually when I get something two or three times it’s a prompt for me too.

That’s one of the things that amazes me about the Spirits who come to talk. They are also willing to put things in their messages to family that are understood by other people who are listening. There is a lot of sharing in the Spirit World. Along with so much love and healing. As I tapped on my steering wheel along with the music I considered the significance of a hard hat. One was definitely a tin helmet from the First World War. The second was the kind you get on a construction site. Both are required for protection. And both have made the wearers more visible.

Of course I have quite a few things under construction. Some have been being built over a number of years. Some are brand new. I also have a knack of getting in the middle of debates about all sorts of things. Sometimes the strong words bounce onto my head too.

Its hard to keep building my dreams when I am having to take time out to remind others that I’m not the enemy. We all have a right to make our dreams happen. I might not agree with your dream but it’s yours to manifest. You might not agree with my dream but similarly, it is my dream to bring in. There is room for all of us to build, grow, evolve – whatever you want to call it. If only we actually did live and let live.

It’s also hard to be visible. I had to be pushed very hard to get myself publicly speaking for Spirit. So it’s lovely to feel at home now working in churches and centres knowing that I do my best every time to work to the best of my ability. My next bit of being visible is to get my book published. The manuscript deadline is fast approaching. It’s one I set for myself so that I would finish this particular piece of building. It pushes me further out of my comfort zone as it explains my journey into mediumship. Yet it’s my dream so I’m making it happen.

So when I get cross with myself for pushing me perhaps I need a hard hat to remind me that I’ve chosen to do what I’m doing.

Really that’s what I need to understand. My dreams won’t please anyone else but me. They may fit neatly with the dreams of the people around me if I’m lucky. That is a bonus. I still have to move ahead doing what I came here for because the Spirit people tonight showed me, once again, that there is a bigger plan. It’s still under construction and I don’t quite know what is being built. However, if I keep a clear head and trust that I can do my best whatever emerges will be good enough.

Day 279 of my blogging challenge. 

2 thoughts on “Under Construction – Hard Hat Required!

  1. I look forward to reading your book. Its true what you said Annie; there is lots of room for all of our dreams to be fulfilled, I suppose we just need to actually realise what they are and then have the conviction to see them through. There is so many ways to serve …… It’s exciting!!

  2. Thank you Angela. There is something for each of us to contribute. It is exciting and I hope all the dreamers can see it through so that we change the world ??

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