Compare, Contrast, Review, Renew

Whew! It’s been a high energy day. One where I’ve had time to compare where I am now with where I was a couple of months ago. And to think about the contrast between then and now.

The download of energy started last night. A huge blast. Wave after wave of positive energy. When it comes in this way I often find I have to rest. My aura soaks up the energy and my physical body ‘runs’ faster than it’s used to. Grounding the energy is important. So I’ve been letting my body take the rest it requires. I have also been trying to resist the impulse for stodgy food – stuff that lowers my vibration – because the best way to deal with the aftermath of high energy is to sleep. Then my body has time to adjust more naturally. In between bouts of sleep I’ve been reviewing the last few months, in order to compare where I was to where I am.

I’ve also been thinking about how differently I cope with energy upgrades than I once used to. At first when they happened I would have cold symptoms, a raised temperature, even a slight headache. And a desire for lots of food. Plus an exhaustion so deep I wouldn’t know how to function properly. Looking at myself over the last few days I realised that I’ve learned to go with the upgrades. Resting, doing as little as possible and drinking lots of water. Resisting sugary foods. Letting the feelings and thoughts surface. Giving myself time to notice what was being brought to my attention. Being prepared to let old energy go. When I compare that to the resistance I used to offer I notice the strong contrast between then and now.

I compare the amount of ‘stuff’ I once had to release to this weekend’s work and I’m delighted. Yes, there is still emotional energy to dissolve. But much, much less than in the past.

Even in the middle of the powerful waves of energy I can see that I am making progress. That has given me a renewed sense of moving forward. Looking back has brought me positives not regrets. I know that I have a lot of dreams to fulfill. Some of them are still hidden from me, lodged in my Spirit self rather than my human self. But I’m sure that at the right time those dreams will be in my conscious mind to prompt me. Compare that to the times when I felt I had nothing worth dreaming for. My life is so much better now I live in an energy world navigating by using my intuition. So more rest is due. The full Moon will bring me the energy of renewal too. I’m open to and ready to receive abundance into my life.

Day 532 of my blogging challenge 

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