I’m writing at the end of a long day of connecting. In all sorts of ways. Always following the desire to collaborate because i know great things can happen when I do.
It started with an interesting discussion during a mentoring session. It seemed that the Guides wanted me to notice how much can be improved if I collaborate. Yet there is sometimes a feeling that this is a bad or wrong word. During a Spirit message the theme posed up again. Then later, as I sat chatting to a friend, guess what – in came the word collaborate again. To put it another way my Guides were reminding me to share. Share the journey, the pitfalls, the success and, most of all, share the love. This evening I did a demonstration of mediumship at a lovely centre. It was wonderful to experience Spirit people collaborating with me to get messages to the people here that they love.
That’s the biggest reward for me. That I’ve passed on what someone needs to hear and know. It feels like, for a few moments, I have been allowed to be a part of the Spirit World too. Because they act as a collaboration. The Spirit community is based on loving kindness and unconditional service to one another. That bit is easy to forget in the excitement of giving evidence and making connections. So when the Spirit people step in to connect with me I know they appreciate that I collaborate in passing on what they give me. Exactly what they give me. No more and no less. It helps me to understand how I can share with everyone who comes into my life. If they wish me to.
That’s the important point. To collaborate takes more than one person. Yet if two of us do share the energy generated is of pure love. We give each other a little gift of something. And that something can inspire, support and sustain both of us. How marvellous if whole communities could collaborate and share for the good of all. Impossible? I know we can do it if we decide to set it as a goal and act accordingly.
Day 715 of my blogging challenge