Clarity With Crystal: Healing Vibrations Under Our Feet

clarityI’ve had the perfect end to a busy week. A session with crystal singing bowls to bring me more clarity. How wonderful that Mother Earth provides such powerful healing vibrations!

I’ve worked with crystals for a long time, both for healing and personal reasons, because I have several past lives as a Crystal Singer. I love how their vibrations surround me and always make sure I have one or two in my purse or pocket. Tonight I had an opportunity to also play some crystal bowls. But only after their sounds had taken me on a journey in search of clarity. The crystal bowls helped me to release low vibrational energy. Then they connected me to powerful sources of just the right kind of energy to boost me. I always know when I’ve been bathed in wonderful energy. Because the world around me comes into sharper focus.

So do I. So I know that this year, with it’s many challenges and opportunities, has been exactly what I needed to get me exploring other parts of me. I’ve been finding out what other abilities I have and releasing myself from limitations. To me it’s been a process of healing. Healing from my own blockages. And from the patterns, both karmic and human made, that stopped me having the clarity I need. I’ve discovered that there is far more to me that I ever imagined. As each new skill or ability surfaced I found my lovely crystals helping me to balance the discoveries so I could embrace a new me. I really do understand why I have been out in nature so much. Because under my feet, somewhere down deep, are the crystal energies that ground me.

Whether a walk, a sound bowl session or some time with my own crystal I have found myself full of inspiration. Clarity of feeling and thought. A vision of where I’m going and what to do. If you are looking for help to get focused perhaps it’s time you held a crystal or two!

Day 752 of my blogging challenge

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