Chocolate: I’m Sure It Was In My Contract!

chocolateIt’s been a mentoring and Reiki attunement day. Lots of lovely energy flowing through to get all of us self-healing. I really enjoy energy healing and took the opportunity to think about the way I tumbled into doing it. It brought to mind my contract for this life. And chocolate!

I had no ambitions to be a medium, psychic or energy healer. When the opportunities came in I had no idea why I’d been nominated. I often wondered if I had somehow been volunteered because everyone else had said no. I asked my Guides lots of questions about how I got picked for the Spirit Team. And they had many moments of laughter at my expense when I learned I picked this for myself. Apparently I signed up to exploring my spirituality. And to getting into it so much that my intuition woke up. It seems in my plans I agreed to be human again because I could have chocolate.

Now, I love chocolate. No doubt about that. But love it enough to go through a long, complex process of waking myself up? Especially when I suspect it might have been easier all round to carry on sleeping. Apparently so. I forgot to read all of the small print. I just saw the word chocolate and jumped at the chance to be reincarnated. So having got myself here it’s a bit of a laugh that sugar has become one of the substances that my body really doesn’t like. However I have found I adore having the contact with my Spirit Team. Doing so has made my life a lot simpler and clearer. I wouldn’t change that for all of the chocolate in the world.

I believe we all sorted out contracts. That each of us is working on having a simple, clear and loving life. Our reward is whatever we put into that contract to keep us going through the difficult bits. Is it time you had a chat with your Spirit Team to ask them what your contract says? And to check that you remember what you asked for as a reward. Don’t miss out!

Day 837 of my blogging challenge

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