What Causes A Closed Mind?

The human race is full of infinite variety. Why then do some people choose to have a closed mind? When does imagination disconnect from logical thought?

I’m a big fan of physicist Dr Brian Cox and not only because he is from my home town. I feel that he explains what can seem to be a difficult (for me anyway) subject really well. He has always struck me as being an open minded, even handed person in his public persona. Yet I found myself reading an article in the Independent recently that got me thinking about closed minds. In it Dr Cox said ghosts couldn’t exist or else the Large Hadron Collider would have found them by now. It’s an interesting point.

Scientists have worked hard to find evidence for all sorts of things that we have now integrated into our understanding of the world. Roll back the clock 300 years and the internet, mobile phones, medicines and fridges would have been outside the comprehension of all of us. Understanding physics has given us chemistry and biology. They in turn have driven forward the exploration that has moved our technology out from imagination and into practical application. Yet should we now be so convinced that we have understood everything? Do our minds have to shut down to new possibilities?

I respect science. It has been one of the passions of my life. But I also understand the world in a very non scientific way. I have experienced things that science can’t yet explain.

So I want to leave an opening within my definition of reality. If I don’t then I have also closed my mind to other explanations of phenomena. That is sad. I meet plenty of people who tell me that what I have experienced is impossible. They consider that intuitive experiences are a matter of mental health going awry. There is no room in their logic to consider the unexplained as actual and happening. It’s as if imagination is linked to falseness rather than creativity. Yet they constantly talk about dreaming their future. Not exactly in those terms. Because dreaming is also an imaginative function.

Someone planning for the future is dreaming of a possible outcome. Preparing for it to happen. Manifesting it even.Yet using very logical language to make a wish a reality. If I want to allow my imagination to explore the possibility of ghosts or Spirits then I am open to that eventuality. Just as a closed mind is still open to the idea that they will one day live in a three bedroomed house. If they work at it hard enough. What disconnects the imagination from thought? I feel that it’s fear. Not being able to admit that there are things yet to understand. Things that could turn my or your world view on it’s head.

Perhaps it’s that a closed mind means I feel more in control? I don’t have to think? Everything about living becomes commonplace?

I remember when I first began meeting the Energy Beings. I resisted their presence because I believed more in science and what could be measured. Over quite a long time everything I had accepted as real was gently reversed. Through my own activities I understood that there was still such a lot for us to explore and find out. Do I doubt my reality because someone else says there is no scientific evidence for it? Of course not. My experience has a validity of it’s own. Someone with a closed mind may not agree. May not want to find out for themselves. But I’m not in the wrong either.

Science looks for ‘proof’ and ‘evidence’. Science says it measures what is repeatable. Actually science is all full of imagination. Working out how the Universe works is all about ideas first, proof second. So at what point does someone say it’s not real? Perhaps when they are taken beyond their current comfort zone. When it seems any suggestion of control is being taken away? And to experience the world as a differently reality is too scary to contemplate? It’s an interesting thought. I have been gifted with an imagination yet I might choose to restrict it into a set world view.

I suppose that is what it’s all about. The free will to be open to a fluid, ever expanding reality or to hold with a specific, static belief in one reality. A bit like the debate about the Big Bang and God really!

Day 495 of my blogging challenge.

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