Busy, Busy, Busy: Loving My Work

BusyI’m almost at the end of a busy week and looking forward to a few days off. In fact, the week has gone by so fast I’ve had to remind myself quite a few times today that I’ve got to Friday.

I have a few appointments tomorrow and then I’m retreating to Scotland again. I hope to have time to do some writing for my next book. As well as plenty of relaxing and resting. That’s what I love about my life right now. I can be as busy as I like because I’ve taken the option of working for myself. That also means that I am able to do the work I love. When I stop feeling passionate about something I can also stop doing it. And make room for something new. Of course, I’ve been working for myself for a long time. Nearly twenty years. I almost can’t remember the time when I worked a five day, nine to five, week. But I do know that I nearly burnt myself out doing so. The recovery from that was long and painful. And left it’s mark.

That’s not to say I haven’t gone back to working for other people. But those experiments didn’t last long. Instead I’ve been fortunate enough to grab the opportunities presented to me so that I can be busy when I want to be. And busy at the things that are my strengths. I enjoy the uncertainty of my week too. Whatever is in the diary I know it’s likely to change. For all the right reasons. It’s wonderful how things get organised in a perfect order to suit the needs of me and my clients. I’m also grateful for the way the work flows in. There is always more when I want it. And less when I need time for me. Or for the practicalities of life. Working for myself was a big act of trust. But I know it has paid off.

That’s what I really love about being busy. It reminds me that the Universe is on my side. It’s ready to give me all that I require or desire. So long as I am passionate about what I’m doing there will always be more to do. And always room for whoever needs my energy at that moment.

Day 697 of my blogging challenge 

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