Birthing A New You: Pangs Of Pain

birthingI’m back in upgrade energy again. The New Moon has arrived with another blast of Divine Feminine energy. It’s time for a birthing. Time for a new me. And long past time to get real changes happening in the outer world.

Giving birth to anything new, and including babies, requires a lot of effort. As the time gets nearer to deliver the new it’s as if the birthing gets even harder. And more painful. Seeing my idea, project, body waiting to push a creation out into the world certainly feels exhausting. After all, I have carried that idea, project or creation for a long time. I’ve nourished it. Communicated with it. Worried about it. And had dreams for it. When the reality of it’s entry into the world hits I feel a mixture of impatience, fear, excitement and expectation. I can’t wait for the birthing to be over. But there is also the realisation that the last few pushes are going to be painful too.

Because I have to push myself to let go. Be ready to see what I’ve created as independent from me. No longer my closely held idea or project. Others will get involved. My creation will take on a life of it’s own. It won’t belong only to me any more. So I can’t keep it safe, or just the way I would like it to be. Birthing is also an upgrade. The pangs of pain I feel are showing me where I am still resisting letting go. They are showing me what wisdom I still need to acquire. Or what I am failing to trust. Especially if I am failing to trust myself. Each birthing involves me becoming a new you. I’m now the creator of something else. Something outside of myself. I have grown by the experience of creating.

As with all birthing times the key is to rest, conserve energy and await that last push. I am using the New Moon energy to recognise where I have expanded myself and where I have changed. That will help me to focus through the pain and get my creativity out as a material thing. I’m also looking forward to that fabulous moment when the pain recedes into the background and I finally meet the new me.

Day 814 of my blogging challenge

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